Summary: Resignations are becoming more common as employees seek environments that align with their values, aspirations, and well-being. Understanding why people resign is crucial for employees and employers, as it can lead to more fulfilling careers and healthier workplaces. Here are the reasons behind resignations and energizing solutions to create better work environments. Dear Dr…
Read MoreSummary: The ability to spot potential and turn it into groundbreaking success is a rare and invaluable skill. You can become an exceptional leader by learning to identify small opportunities—glimmers—and transform them into significant innovations and impactful changes. Hint: Not all glimmers are happy and yet still matter. Dear Dr. Sylvia, Thank you for an…
Read MoreSummary: Freedom is a multifaceted concept that evokes a sense of power, autonomy, and self-determination. However, the other side of the coin often presents challenges, responsibilities, and unforeseen consequences. Here, we will explore freedom, using the poignant lyrics of King George III’s song from the musical “Hamilton.” Dear Dr. Sylvia, I was thinking about that…
Read MoreSummary: The hero’s journey, a narrative framework popularized by Joseph Campbell, is more than just a storytelling tool. It is a blueprint for personal transformation and freedom. By viewing our lives through the lens of the hero’s journey, we can find purpose, overcome obstacles, and achieve a profound sense of freedom. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I…
Read MoreSummary: Making the decision to resign from a job is rarely easy, but when your workplace becomes toxic, filled with blaming and judging, it might be the best step for your mental health and career growth. Here’s a guide to recognizing the signs, preparing for the transition, and ultimately handing in your resignation with grace…
Read MoreSummary: Navigating the interconnected web of systems requires more than just surface-level observation. It demands a holistic perspective that requires brave leadership. No more yes/no, good/bad. Let’s use The Ohio University Marching Band and a child eating cereal to unveil the essence of systemic thinking. Dear Dr. Sylvia, Thank you for suggesting we check out…
Read MoreSummary: From self-help books to social media influencers, the pursuit of happiness is everywhere. We’re bombarded with messages that suggest happiness is not only achievable but also mandatory for a fulfilling life. But is our obsession with being happy truly warranted? And what is the real truth behind this relentless pursuit? Dear Dr. Sylvia, I…
Read MoreSummary: In the quest for healthier work settings, the concepts of peace and harmony emerge as crucial pillars. Both ideas advocate for positive change. Let’s examine which offers a better route for long-term well-being at work. Dear Dr. Sylvia, We are having an interesting “intellectual argument” at work. Many are tired of all the conflict…
Read MoreSummary: In the dynamic realm of leadership, finding the equilibrium between the passionate “Red Hots” and the composed “Ice Colds” is a delicate art. Striking this balance fosters a harmonious work environment and propels teams toward unparalleled success. Dear Dr. Sylvia, My boss is a red hot mess! For example, she yells and makes ugly…
Read MoreSummary: This book is a powerful guide that transforms how we approach our professional lives and enhances our growth journey. It’s all connected. Dear Dr. Sylvia, Your book, “Don’t Bring It To Work,” has helped me interact more effectively with staff. We use it at our numerous salons in the New Orleans area. For this…
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