Dear Dr. Sylvia,
I just finished the most delicious apple that I sprinkled with some cinnamon and brown sugar. Did you know that cinnamon is really good for you? It can help stabilize blood pressure and keep your mood from fluctuating like a roller coaster.
In other words, who knew?
What an apple a day really does.
With more time at home than ever, I am doing some research. Mostly about staying healthy and yes, even happy with all the restrictions.
Consequently, I miss shopping, eating out, and even smiling (with masks on, no one can really see your bright shiny smile). The best I can do is hope my eyes show when I am happy.
Therefore, I decided to do my part of spreading joy. I’m telling my friends about the benefits of apples with cinnamon. I love to suggest they move from sugar to stevia as a sweetener.
Likewise, I am experimenting with maple syrup, coconut sugar, and honey. Yummm.
Did I forget to mention monk fruit?
Right now, its a great time to figure out how to make this year, which is different for most of us, still fun and creative.
I need some advice.
Get out of the box of traditional thinking.
I have been thinking about well, thinking out of the box, so to speak.
Do you have ideas to keep me, my family, my co-workers, my friends from focusing on what is NOT working (lots!)? And, in addition, what a bright future can look like?
Therefore, maybe, just maybe before this whole pandemic is over we can have more positives in life.
Apple Lover

Dear Apple Lover,
You are eating properly for your health. Of course, you remember hearing, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.†There is a lot of truth to it. And there is a great saying about someone being “the apple of your eye,†which is a wonderful compliment
Three apples that changed the world.
Before I give you a fun way to stay creative, I want to talk about the THREE APPLES THAT CHANGED THE WORLD.
- The apple that Eve ate and gave to Adam
- The one that dropped on Newton’s head
- The one that Steve Jobs built
Here is what you can do to stay creative these days.
First, eat a wonderful, juicy apple. And while you are savoring the sweetness and the crispness, think of what else you can do with an apple.
What can you do at home besides eating an apple?
I’ll give you one idea to start: make potpourri to make your home smell great. I’ll even give you the recipe. Slice apples and put in the oven at 250 degrees. Bake for about 1.5 hours and then mix them with, you betcha, cinnamon, and add cloves. Put in a jar and you have a great aroma for the holidays.
Make a contest out of it. Who can find more ways to use apples? It can be lots of fun and will get your creative mind working full time.

Here is another brain teaser. What are 10 ways you can use a wastebasket? (How bout as a hat?)
In any case, take some time and have fun with basic things. There are so many objects around the house that you can use in new ways.
Kids love this and so will grandma and grandpa.
In conclusion, the more you use your creative energy, the more you can stay positive. In short, creativity can help you laugh and enjoy. Then you will not end up all stressed out and frustrated.
Here’s to great ideas,
P.S. My Stress Busters program is very informative with novel and useful ways to look at the tension and anxieties that enter your life day in and day out. Even better, it’s a lot of fun.