When the Winds of War Are Strong

A man with glasses sitting in front of a wall.

Summary: Today is meant to be different. It is about today’s world’s pain, hurt, and fear. And one way to make a difference, no matter how small.

Dear All,

Today is a tough day.

Above all, we continue to get more information from the Middle East. It’s mainly about the vast number of humans, from babies to grandparents, who have been killed. And then there are the hostages in the middle of the Israel-Palestine war.

Therefore, while I would love to write about leadership, it won’t work today.

I cannot think about how to offer better communication skills. There are no great ideas on how to handle conflict with more finesse. I cannot think about how to make your organization even more successful.

Instead, I would like to share what my daughter, Mikayla, wrote on her Facebook page.

The backstory is that she spent her junior year in college at Tel Aviv University and loved it.

Subsequently, Israel called her to return time after time. The enthusiasm, creativity, and possibilities amazed her.

All things considered, she then did a powerful, award-winning documentary about the Palestinian-Israeli complexities. The title of the documentary is “Living in Conflict.”

In short, it is worth checking out.

My daughter and I have talked many times these past few days. It feels like months; the pain and sadness tumble from our tearful eyes.

In short, today, I would appreciate it if you would take the time to read what she so beautifully wrote. Please comment if you feel moved to do so.

We cannot take anything for granted.

Similarly, find someone you love and tell them they matter to you. Do it today. You never know what is next.

From Mikayla Lev:

“I have been crying a river of tears. There are waves of grief—concern for my family and friends in the region. I am utterly heartbroken over these lands that have been some of the most potent teachers on my life’s journey.

This photo of Noa came with me to the sacred mountain of Mt. Shasta. I went to pray the morning after I learned from a dear Sister in Israel about the horrors unfolding. Noa is one of the 100-plus hostages, along with other women and children, taken from Israel by Hamas into Gaza.

A man with glasses sitting in front of a wall.

Everyone has someone who cares about them.

Pictured in the photos opposite her is a young girl from Palestine. She was just pulled out from the rubble amidst the devastation being inflicted by Israel on Gaza. She is just one of thousands of children who will suffer the consequences.

A man with glasses sitting in front of a wall.

I have spent hours on Israeli and Palestinian Telegram groups watching heart-stopping footage. I can barely find words for—not recommending this unless you are of the sort not to look away.

Why Do I? Do you? Do we? Look at this young Palestinian girl or this Israeli young woman. Why do most of us feel the need in this moment to choose a side?

Is it possible to step beyond solidified conclusions and the wall of pain and polarization to hold them both? That means to have them with all the complexity in our hearts. Can you keep them for a moment, for a breath, before launching into a political debate?

Beyond debate or judgment is a better way.

A debate that has never gone anywhere nor done anything to heal or rectify the situation. Nor is there any justification for this horrific violence towards innocent people.

Most of us sit behind these computer screens for relative safety and comfort. We have no idea what it is like to feel the horrors of being attacked or held hostage by the hands of Hamas.

Nor do we know what it is like to be in Gaza right now and feel the terror of being incessantly bombed by the Israeli army.

I ask this of myself and anyone reading this right now — even if you feel the need to choose one side or the other:

If you can only find it in your heart to pray for all those in Israel right now, PRAY.

And, if you can only find it in your heart to pray for all those in Palestine right now, PRAY.

If you can find it in your heart, pray for all those in both Israel & Palestine right now PRAY.

And if you can find it in your heart, pray for the healing of your inner Israel/ Palestine PRAY.”

In conclusion, thank you, Mikayla, for your unique way of helping us see a small way to make a difference.

Here’s to a more harmonious world,

Sylvia Lafair

Posted in
Creative Energy Options

Sylvia Lafair

Creative Energy Options

