Leadership Education: Unveiling Systemic Thinking Through Unlikely Connections

A man with glasses sitting in front of a wall.

Summary: Navigating the interconnected web of systems requires more than just surface-level observation. It demands a holistic perspective that requires brave leadership. No more yes/no, good/bad. Let’s use The Ohio University Marching Band and a child eating cereal to unveil the essence of systemic thinking.

Dear Dr. Sylvia,

Thank you for suggesting we check out The Waters Center for Systems Thinking.

I have a better sense of what leaders need to support and sustain the larger vision of working together.

Silo thinking lowers the success rate at work.

I want to give this to my CEO who is stuck with short-sighted vision.

He dismissed our company survey, which discussed how disconnected the various parts of the organization are. He simply shrugged and blamed it on a few nay-sayers.

It’s not true.

However, no one can get him to look at the whole from a systems perspective.

Can you delve deeper into how vital working with the whole system is for creating a great place to work.



We are all connected and no one wins unless we all do

Dear Curious,

I believe that systemic thinking is not just a theoretical concept—it is the cornerstone of organizational success. Seeing both the parts and the whole as interconnected entities fosters a more efficient and thriving organization.

Ohio University Marching Band: The Symphony of Synchrony

I want to thank The Waters Center for Systems Thinking for this excellent way to show how all fits together.

Please read what I have here and then watch the video.

After that show it to your CEO.

Imagine a vast football stadium brimming with anticipation as spectators eagerly await the halftime show. Amidst the sea of colors and sounds, the Ohio University Marching Band takes the field. Each member is a vital cog in the grand spectacle.

As they march in perfect synchrony, it becomes evident that the band is more than the sum of its parts. It is a living, breathing system.

At first glance, one might focus solely on the musicians or the choreography. Yet, systemic thinking invites us to delve deeper.

Each musician represents a unique instrument in the orchestra of the band. They contribute their individual talents to create a harmonious whole.

It is not individuals that define the system.

The system is defined by their interactions. Consider the band, the conductor’s guidance, and even the audience’s reactions to bring everything together.

Systemic thinking compels us to view the Ohio University Marching Band not as isolated individuals but as interconnected components of a larger entity.

Just as a well-oiled machine relies on precisely coordinating its parts, the band thrives on the seamless interaction between its members.

For example, the trumpets harmonize with the flutes, the drumline sets the rhythm, and the color guard adds visual flair—all working in concert to create an immersive experience.

This is called “Looking from the balcony.”

Moreover, systemic thinking extends beyond the boundaries of the band itself.

Next, consider the broader ecosystem in which the band operates. That includes the stadium infrastructure, the logistics of transportation, the community support. These are all integral parts that contribute to the success of the performance.

By zooming out and embracing a systemic perspective, we gain a newfound appreciation for the intricate dance of elements that culminates in the magic of the whole.

Better when we see both the forest and the trees

In a world defined by complexity and interconnectedness, systemic thinking emerges as a powerful tool for understanding the intricate tapestry of systems that surround us.

Those who dare to see beyond the surface win.

By zooming out to embrace the holistic view while simultaneously zooming in to appreciate the intricate details, we unlock new dimensions of understanding.

We begin to see the forest and the trees. Then we can recognize that the beauty of the whole lies in the sum of its parts.

Orchestrate Success Through Systemic Insight

In conclusion, consider the bustling corridors of the modern workplace. Systemic thinking is not just a theoretical concept—it is the cornerstone of organizational success.

By adopting a systemic perspective, organizational leaders can identify critical touchpoints. That is how to leverage synergies between departments to drive innovation and efficiency. T

They recognize that individual silos do not determine the success of the organization. It is known by the collective efforts of a well-coordinated ecosystem. Through effective communication, collaboration, and alignment of goals, they orchestrate a symphony of talent and resources. This leads to a more resilient and adaptable organization in today’s complex business landscape.

In essence, the workplace serves as a microcosm of systemic thinking. This is where understanding the interconnectedness of parts and wholes is essential for navigating the complexities of organizational dynamics.

In my online program, Total Leadership Connections, you get an opportunity to look beyond the obvious and see how the past and the present combine to create the future.

By embracing this holistic perspective, leaders can unlock new pathways to success. This way drives innovation and fosters a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement.

To Your success,

Sylvia Lafair

PS. I want to share the wisdom of a child offered by Buddhist teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh. He tell the story of a little boy eating his cereal served with milk. He shouts to his mother, “There is a cow in my cereal bowl. ” And yes, he gets how all is connected.

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Creative Energy Options

Sylvia Lafair

Creative Energy Options

