Techniques to Handle Discomfort Comfortably: A Guide to Building Resilience

Summary: In a world that often values comfort and convenience, learning to handle discomfort effectively is a powerful skill. Whether it’s physical discomfort, emotional challenges, or the unease that comes with change, mastering this skill can lead to significant personal growth and resilience. Here we explore how to listen to those GLIMMERS that will help you handle discomfort comfortably.

Dear Dr. Sylvia,

I was laid off from my job.

No warning!

We had a meeting with our team leader who looked pale and tired. He was pleasant and distant.

For example, he kept saying how much he valued each of us. That was the warning to be ready for something unpleasant.

In fact, it was more than unpleasant, it was awful. Out of a group of ten employees, three were let go because of the downturn in the economy.

Interestingly, two of the three were distraught. The other seemed able to cope with discomfort in a positive way.

I was one of the two who stayed in the distraught category.

All in all, I know we have to understand how to get through difficult times and bounce back to a healthy place. Suggestions, please.

And, by the way, do you have any openings for jobs? I would love to work with you. I think you have some bold ideas for how to win at life without selling out to the status quo.


Ready to Grow

GLIMMERS of New Possibilities Are on The Road Less Traveled

Dear Ready to Grow,

What a compliment to want to work with me.

Let’s set a time to talk. You never know what can come from a conversation.

I’m glad you reached out and asked. Nothing can happen unless you take action.

I say, when you have a GLIMMER of possible new directions, take the chance and at least ask!

Now, let’s take some time and look at how to cope with discomfort and what does emotional resilience look like in real time.

Understand the Nature of Discomfort

Discomfort is a natural part of life, signaling that something requires our attention. It could be a physical sensation, such as pain from exercise, or an emotional response, such as anxiety during a challenging situation.

By understanding that discomfort is temporary and often a sign of growth, you can begin to manage it more effectively.

For instance, whenever I have been in the throws of unexpected change I take a 24 hour break and go on my own version of a “Vision Quest.”

In many Native American cultures this is a rigorous three or four day time to be alone in nature to fast and pray.

All things considered, here is my personal version. It looks like this: I find a spot near my home that is in a nature setting where I can connect with myself without distractions. I do eat, however, just some protein bars and water.

NO reading material, music or other distractions.

While I will have my phone for emergencies, NO scrolling!

These are some of the techniques on which I rely.

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation involves focusing on the present moment without judgment. This technique allows you to observe discomfort without becoming overwhelmed by it.

Ultimately, by practicing mindfulness techniques regularly, you can train your mind to remain calm and composed even in uncomfortable situations.

When on your Vision Quest sit quietly and ask yourself “What is my purpose?” Then follow the methods below on how to practice.

How to Practice Mindfulness Meditation

  • Find a quiet space and sit comfortably.
  • Close your eyes and focus on your breath.
  • When discomfort arises, acknowledge it without trying to change it.
  • Return your focus to your breath.

Relieve Stress Using Progressive Muscle Relaxation

On a Vision Quest you are required to handle physical discomfort. Unless you begin to master your body aches and concerns they will get in the way of listening to your deeper thoughts where th GLIMMERS of new possibilities live.

For example, Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) is a technique that involves tensing and then relaxing different muscle groups in your body. This method can help reduce physical discomfort and stress, making it easier to handle uncomfortable situations.

How to Practice Progressive Muscle Relaxation

  • Start by sitting or lying down in a comfortable position.
  • Tense a specific muscle group, such as your hands, for a few seconds.
  • Gradually release the tension and focus on the sensation of relaxation.
  • Repeat with other muscle groups.

Cognitive Behavioral Techniques Help Change Negative Thought Patterns

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) techniques can help you change the way you think about discomfort. By reframing negative thoughts and challenging irrational beliefs, you can reduce the emotional impact of discomfort and approach it more rationally.

Techniques for Changing Your Mindset

  • Identify and challenge negative thoughts.
  • Replace negative thoughts with more balanced ones.
  • Practice positive affirmations. Start with the words, “I am” and then add your specific situation. For example “I am afraid I will never get a job that pays as well as the one I just lost.” Change to “I am capable and ready for new exciting work challenges.”
  • Take the STRESS MASTERY QUIZ to find out what your stress quotient is and what needs to be changed.

Calming Breathing Exercises to Help Gain Clarity

Controlled breathing exercises can help you manage discomfort by calming your nervous system. Deep, slow breathing signals to your body that it’s safe, reducing the physical symptoms of stress and discomfort.

In brief, you can use this breathing technique to sort through discomfort faster and more effectively. You just need to remember to count to seven. Come on, you can do it!

How to Practice the Deep Breathing SEVEN Technique

  • Inhale deeply through your nose for a count of seven
  • Hold your breath for a count of seven.
  • Exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of seven.
  • Hold “empty” for the count of seven
  • Repeat seven times and relax.

Visualization Can Lead to New Possibilities

Visualization involves creating a mental image of a peaceful place or situation. This technique can distract you from discomfort and create a sense of calm.

You can also get a GLIMMER of the future you want to create using visualization techniques.

When you visualize the future you will know you are on the right track when you feel a GLIMMER of feeling alive in the

How to Practice Visualizing the Future:

  • Close your eyes and imagine a peaceful scene, such as a beach or forest.
  • Engage all your senses in the visualization: feel the breeze, hear the waves, and smell the fresh air.
  • Use this technique whenever discomfort arises to create a mental escape.
  • Then picture your life one year from now.
  • Do two possibilities of where you will be, with whom, doing what.
  • Then decide which has more energy. That is the GLIMMER to help you go toward that path.

In conclusion, discomfort is an inevitable part of life, but by employing these techniques, you can learn to handle it with grace and resilience. Whether through mindfulness, relaxation, or cognitive strategies, each method offers a pathway to more comfortable living in the face of challenges.

By mastering the art of handling discomfort, you not only build resilience but also pave the way for personal growth and a more fulfilling life.

To your success,

Sylvia Lafair

PS. Watch my webinar about how to handle the invisible stress that can keep you stuck. These old, ingrained patterns need to be understood and cleared for you to become more resilient.

Creative Energy Options

Sylvia Lafair

Creative Energy Options

