Sylvia Lafair

Creative Energy Options

Is Low Stress At Work The Best Stress?

By Sylvia Lafair | May 18, 2015 | Comments Off on Is Low Stress At Work The Best Stress?

Imagine a work setting where you go into the office in the morning and are greeted by a concierge taking your order for a nutritious breakfast that will be delivered to you at your desk. In the background is music deemed perfect to activate the creativity centers of your brain. Read more of: Is Low Stress at Work…

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Creative Energy Options

Leadership Training: The 5 Second Breath

By Sylvia Lafair | May 5, 2015 | Comments Off on Leadership Training: The 5 Second Breath

Troy is one of the most energetic, funny and charismatic leaders in the company. When someone needs help it is there immediately. When someone has an idea Troy is there with suggestions. When someone feels frustrated, well, you guessed it, Troy has the words that work. EXCEPT Troy was not always a hero. Everyone used…

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Two men staring at the camera

Pattern Clash: When The Jerk At Work Meets The Jerk At Work

By Sylvia Lafair | February 16, 2015 | Comments Off on Pattern Clash: When The Jerk At Work Meets The Jerk At Work

“I work hard” he muttered. I could barely hear him. “You do WHAT?” I asked. “Work hard. I told you, I work hard.” It seemed to him like no one ever really listened. He went on to say that he was sick of spending his nights correcting his boss’s awful grammar for her reports that…

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A small girl meditating on a field

Naughty Can Become NICE

By Sylvia Lafair | December 16, 2014 | Comments Off on Naughty Can Become NICE

The road was slick from the rain. I did not want to complain because the Bay Area needs to fill up its rivers and reservoirs as fast as possible. None the less, when a car swerved just a bit too close for comfort I shouted out from that place inside that activates stress “Watch out…

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A woman with her finger on her lips as if shushing someone

Leadership Development: SHUSSSSH Don’t Rock The Boat

By Sylvia Lafair | December 15, 2014 | Comments Off on Leadership Development: SHUSSSSH Don’t Rock The Boat

Imagine a world where bringing up unpleasant or conflictual subjects is applauded. Imagine if in school good grades were based on asking the unaskable. Just imagine. Where would YOU fit in that kind of setting? Would you be one to ask “Hey, why is the emperor naked?” Or would you be one to put your…

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Angelina Jolie posing for an image

Talk Of Torture Timely For Leadership Development

By Sylvia Lafair | December 14, 2014 | Comments Off on Talk Of Torture Timely For Leadership Development

What a bummer that Angelina Jolie will miss the opening of the film “Unbroken” that she directed. Sadly, she missed the chicken pox as a kid and has to break out and itch as an adult. However, the timing of this film is placed perfectly. With Dick Cheney in great confidence saying he did not think that our country…

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Creative Energy Options

Holiday Stress Starts Early This Year. Here’s Why And What To Do About It.

By Sylvia Lafair | December 8, 2014 | Comments Off on Holiday Stress Starts Early This Year. Here’s Why And What To Do About It.

Summary: Did you ever wonder why the end of the year holidays causes so much stress? It is essential because of last year’s restrictions on staying at home. Here is “the why” for many and also ways to handle holiday stress more effectively. Dear Dr. Sylvia, How do I get year-end work done, prepare for…

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Image of eagle flying

Turkeys And Eagles

By Sylvia Lafair | November 26, 2014 | Comments Off on Turkeys And Eagles

Did you know that Benjamin Franklin was not all that thrilled having the Bald Eagle as our national symbol? He much preferred…TADA…the Turkey!! So as you are celebrating this day of Thanksgiving think about the noble bird that could have been on our currency instead of on the table!!! Here is a letter that Franklin…

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Image of employees in office

4 Rules For Great Leading During The Holiday Season

By Sylvia Lafair | November 23, 2014 | Comments Off on 4 Rules For Great Leading During The Holiday Season

Imagine yourself as the most loved leader in your organization. Imagine being honored at a dinner for your skills and talents. What would they say about you? How would you respond? Leading a team and getting your direct reports to really, really want to get follow you takes lots of deep internal understanding of yourself.…

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Creative Energy Options . Kid in poverty

They Are ALL Our Children

By Sylvia Lafair | November 23, 2014 | Comments Off on They Are ALL Our Children

Years ago I was in Brazil for a conference. It was wonderful looking up at the “Christo Redentor” that is so much a part of Rio. It was fun sun bathing and walking along the famous Ipanema beach. I also had an opportunity to go inland to some of the mines where the crystals are…

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