Summary: In the dynamic realm of leadership, finding the equilibrium between the passionate “Red Hots” and the composed “Ice Colds” is a delicate art. Striking this balance fosters a harmonious work environment and propels teams toward unparalleled success. Dear Dr. Sylvia, My boss is a red hot mess! For example, she yells and makes ugly…
Read MoreSummary: This book is a powerful guide that transforms how we approach our professional lives and enhances our growth journey. It’s all connected. Dear Dr. Sylvia, Your book, “Don’t Bring It To Work,” has helped me interact more effectively with staff. We use it at our numerous salons in the New Orleans area. For this…
Read MoreSummary: Most twenty-first-century workplaces are rife with negativity, tension, and conflict, with enormous costs ranging from decreased productivity to lawsuits. Here are some ideas on developing psychological safety and making positive cultural changes. Dear Dr. Sylvia, The complaining at work about too little time and too much to do is getting old. I have team…
Read MoreSummary: Mental health is part of the business world for all leaders to consider at work. Pride Month offers a time to look at this complex topic through the life of Ernest Hemingway. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I am struggling with a senior VP who announced he is becoming a she. “They,” asked how that would…
Read MoreSummary: This is a great time to think about how you want to advance your career and your relationships. Go ahead, take a leap of faith. Here’s what to do. Dear …. Did you know that at least 50% of adults make new year’s resolutions? Mostly they are about more exercise, less weight, healthier eating,…
Read MoreSummary: External forces keep us on our toes, ready to react. Here we discuss the hidden reasons for why we respond as we do. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I’ll cut right to the chase. Time is going by, and I am frustrated and worried. I am a 47-year-old healthy male who is the CFO of a…
Read MoreSummary: Change is coming faster than ever before. The whole world seems out of control. While change is unsettling, the process of adapting from now to new is vital for future success. Here are some methods to move forward. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I keep vacillating from denying my negative emotions, staying positive, and stating that…
Read MoreJOANNE LAMARCA Certified CEO Facilitator and Coach Joanne LaMarca Mathisen has studied with Sylvia Lafair since 2001. She is a graduate of CEO’s TLC program. In addition, to further her education, in pattern breakthrough coaching, she completed TLC Advanced. Jo is a “Gutsy Gal” facilitator for women leaders. She is a certified CEO facilitator and…
Read MoreGail Watts Pattern Breakthrough Coaching™Coaches & Consultants Gail Watts has been a management and employee consultant throughout her career. In the workplace, she is known for her ability to assess situations quickly and accurately. She provides sound guidance or intervention to resolve often complex managerial, employee, and workgroup situations. Gail has experience in both profit…
Read MoreNancy Pennebaker Pattern Breakthrough Coaching™Coaches & Consultants Nancy Pennebaker has more than 30 years of professional experience in higher education and administration. She has a Master’s Degree in journalism and public relations from the University of Oregon. In addition, she is a graduate of Stanford University’s prestigious Business Leadership Institute. Pennebaker’s career addresses the areas…
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