The Best Leadership Style that Enhances Team Effectiveness (And Some That Don’t)

A man with glasses sitting in front of a wall.

The main thing that all leaders shudder about is conflict at work.

There is a silent hope that conflict will simply resolve itself and teams can get their projects done quickly and easily.

Problems seldom simply just disappear…

There are four leadership styles that can be used when conflict rears its ugly head. However, there is only one that will take you and your team through the whirlpool and be ready when the next hurricane or tornado is ready to pounce.

Here are the four leadership styles in order of helpfulness:

1. Servant leadership: This is the kindest method.

It takes skill to listen and offer feedback in a positive way. It means putting your own anxiety aside and really tracking what is going on with your staff.

Those who have done some personal self-development are able to use this method effectively. However, the downside is that often work is secondary to the emotional wants and needs of staff and a choke hold is created on productivity.

Please remember my very strong conclusion from years of working with servant leaders: WORK IS NOT A REHAB FACILITY!

2. Charismatic leadership: Part of your job as a leader is to inspire and motivate.

It’s so helpful when you can paint a picture of the future, of the way out of conflict, of the was to better, more cohesive work relationships and help your team see new possibilities.

Often the fear and discounting that goes with conflict at work can be traversed more effectively when there is a rainbow to be assured will come after the rain of discontent.

The down side of charismatic leadership is that the feeling of being invincible can rear its head and as a leader you begin to think you can do no wrong.

3. Deliberate leadership: This is a way to barrel through the conflict and make quick decisions and meet tight deadlines.

It is reminiscent of Benjamin Franklin’s statement that “a stitch in time saves nine.†And that’s true.

However, if decisions are made without getting the inclusion of the team there may well be hard feelings left behind and while the decision looks bright and shiny in the moment the after effects are dissention and feelings of not being included.

This often leads to work slow-downs, absenteeism, and constant gossip.

4. Bureaucratic: This is oldest of the styles and the one that is deeply embedded in generations of leaders.

It’s about being attached to policies and procedures with the demand they are followed rigorously.

While many policies are important for legal considerations, there is a new way to approach the check off list of what needs to be done in today’s workplace. The downfall here is lack of flexibility and constricted ways of thinking through conflict.

Times have changed and when the comment is “that’s the way we’ve always done things around here†you better take a deep breath and reevaluate.

The best leadership style is Transformational leadership.

This is when you have a long- range plan attached to short range goals.

This is when you ask and listen, when you paint a picture of the future with a roadmap on how to get there and when you have developed enough courage and inner strength to know when to make deliberate decisions and when to let the team grapple with the issues at hand, capable to stand by and intervene as needed.

The same principles apply to transformational leadership as they do for parents guiding children to become competent autonomous adults.

This is when you have a long- range plan attached to short range goals.

This is when you ask and listen, when you paint a picture of the future with a roadmap on how to get there and when you have developed enough courage and inner strength to know when to make deliberate decisions and when to let the team grapple with the issues at hand, capable to stand by and intervene as needed.

The same principles apply to transformational leadership as they do for parents guiding children to become competent autonomous adults.

Which of the four leadership styles best reflect current your style?

Creative Energy Options

Sylvia Lafair

Creative Energy Options

