Summary: In today’s hectic world, taking the time to ask yourself, “Who am I?” and even more so, “Who am I in relationship to those around me?” often gets put on the “do it tomorrow” short list. Become more self-aware to make a difference.
Remember, everything you say and do, can affect those around you. Being self-aware, allows you to manage your actions and reactions and not be at the mercy of repeating nasty behavior patterns that get in the way of success.
Not a good idea to wait.
Self awareness means taking time for self-reflection.
Those who win the long-term game of life, spend time in reflection. No, not days on a mountain (although that can be good, too). It would be more about spending a few minutes each day to practice the habit of self-awareness.
First, the quiz – next, we’ll discuss five ways to help build your self-awareness habit.
Grab a piece of paper and answer the following ten questions, scoring each with “0 “, “1 “, or “2” per the following key:
0 – Nope, not me
1 – Well, sorta
2 – Yup, that’s me
Here is a self-awareness quiz to get you going in the right direction.
How do you see:
- Praising others as kissing-up.
- Holding back when you are upset.
- Prefer to ignore people when you find them annoying.
- Love to get people to agree with you.
- Use the voting technique to prove “they all†agree with you.
- Hold onto anger for days after the problem is discussed.
- Like to point out mistakes that others make, so they can learn from you.
- Listen to others without interrupting.
- Avoid conflict by changing the subject, or leaving the room.
- Love to get feedback without becoming defensive.
Start counting:
Firstly, from 0-6:Â You have a good sense of self-awareness and are sensitive to the needs and wants of those around you. You have high emotional intelligence and good pattern awareness.
Further, 7-13:Â You are on the road yet need to stop and listen to yourself more often. Your edit button must be turned on all the time, especially when someone pushes you to emotional upset.
Moreover, 14+: Get a coach as fast as you can. You are going to shoot yourself in the foot and never realize it was you who pulled the trigger. You will miss the best that relationships offer by staying in the blame game, which is such a waste of time.
Self awareness exercise is as important as physical exercise
Now, here are five ways to help build your self-awareness muscles. Once you get into the habit of observing your behavior on a day-to-day basis, you are more in charge of your reactions.
In addition, take time and start small on your adventure to become more self aware.
Start with one area to get going, only one thought per day will add up.
Most importantly, One thought each day: Start your morning with a commitment to do one, and only one thing, to shift to a new way of relating. For example, decide today you will give praise to those you talk with. Something small is acceptable. However, find something to say to whoever, on the train, plane, phone, or through email or text. Even if you feel stupid or weird, do it anyway.
Claim your personal personal style of expressing yourself to stay on track.
After that, Speak from your “I”: Practice talking about how YOU feel. No, this isn’t’ selfish (well, maybe just a bit). You’re not talking about yourself to brag and prove how good you are (now, that’s narcissistic). You own your behavior. An example is, “I think I may have reacted too quickly and didn’t listen enough.” Got it?
Shift your mindset by changing the words you tell yourself.
Consequently, See opportunities, not obstacles: Practice discussing what you think can make things work better. No, not being a happiness addict, I mean, focus on what can be done rather than what is constantly not working. Find ways to put words like ‘hope’ and ‘possibility’ in your sentences and significantly, “How can I help?”
Search for deeper meaning rather than just accept the obvious.
After that, decide what giving 100% means: Don’t make yourself into a pretzel. You can’t be self-aware if you’re tied in “KNOTS” and “NOTS.” Practice saying, “Yes, I can” and “no, I can’t,” and remember only you can decide what makes absolute sense to you.
Curiosity gives you new ways of looking at old problems.
Finally, Stay curious: Create rapport by asking people about their lives. I don’t mean prying into their incomes or their sex lives; I suggest finding out what makes them want to get up in the morning, or as Simon Sinek so smartly asks, “What is your why?” Then give praise and start all over again.
Give yourself the gift of self awareness and be like the great philosophers.
All the great philosophers agree that being self-aware and affecting those around you is key to real growth and development. In ancient Egypt, above the entrance of each temple is inscribed, “Know Thyself.” That thought has lasted thousands of years, so pay attention.
Here’s to your success,
PS. Take the Leadership Success Quiz to gain more knowledge of how you come across to others. And in addition, read my award-winning book “Don’t Bring It To Work,” which is part research and part true stories about how others find the way to better self-awareness.
PSS YOu can be more self-aware and therefore be more successful at work, at home, everywhere. Yes, it is possible. Believe in yourself every day.