Summary: Feedback started with report cards and still leaves most of us with an anxiety knot when we have performance reviews at work.
Today we’re going to talk about an area of communication that makes most of us shudder.
To clarify. It’s all about feedback. For example, the way you give it has ramifications, and the way you get it can create all types of emotional reactions. . The yes and the no of what this communication looks like, sounds like, and feels like must be understood.
For example, leaders who know how to talk to various employees to help them grow will see more retention than if the feedback is just to rate them.
Above all, we all get it. We all give it. So, what’s the best way to do it?
Optimists and pessimists handle feedback from that mindset.
Well, first, I want to ask you a question: Are you an optimist or a pessimist? …because that’s going to determine a big amount of how you handle feedback.
Find out how your underlying perspective on life will impact how you give and get feedback.
Then you can decide what to change.
Watch the whole video for more!
Here’s to your success,
PS. A great place to start learning about ways to handle the stress of feedback is with my book “Invisible Stress (It’s NOT What YOU Think!).” Please enjoy a complimentary copy of the introduction by clicking the link here.