Setting the Stage for GLIMMERS to GREATNESS: Illuminating the Leader’s Path

A man with glasses sitting in front of a wall.

Summary: Leadership stands as the cornerstone of progress, innovation, and transformation. The journey from glimmers of potential to the heights of greatness is one that countless leaders embark upon, each with unique challenges, triumphs, and lessons learned along the way. In this dynamic environment, where change is constant, and complexities abound, the need for effective leadership has never been more pronounced.

Dear Dr. Sylvia,

People label me as one who is always chasing after rainbows.

My family thinks I am always running from responsibility to find the next new shiny object.

On one hand, I can agree.

On the other hand, I always have a sense of well being when I say YES to what is new and different

As a leader, I don’t want to seem like a dilletante.

However, I want to have as full and creative a life as possible.

You talk about glimmers.

How do you know when to go for it or stay in the safe zone?


Always Ready

Importance of Leadership in Today’s World

Dear Always Ready,

Leadership isn’t merely about occupying positions of authority; it’s about inspiring others, guiding collective efforts, and driving meaningful change.

In today’s interconnected world, where global challenges intersect with local realities, leaders’ role extends beyond traditional boundaries.

Whether steering multinational corporations, leading community initiatives, or shaping public policies, leaders wield influence that reverberates far beyond organizational boundaries.

Overview of Leadership Themes

My newest book, “Glimmers to Greatness: Illuminating The Leader’s Path” (May 2024) delves into the multifaceted journey of leadership. I explore the interconnected themes of systems theory, relationship connections, and effective communication.

Drawing from insights in psychology, sociology, and organizational theory, this book offers a holistic perspective on leadership development, emphasizing the symbiotic relationship between personal growth and organizational success.

Here, we will examine how leaders can leverage systems thinking.

Systems thinking looks at the deep ways that external and internal aspects of our lives connect.

This type of important thinking helps us navigate complexity, foster meaningful relationships to inspire collaboration and hone communication skills to convey vision and purpose effectively.

Thus, by illuminating the pathways to greatness, I hope to empower leaders at all levels to make a positive impact within their organizations and in the broader communities they serve.

Sadly, we often forget the small stuff and only look at the power grid to see ultimate success.

However, it is the glimmers, the small bursts of energy that often lead us on the right path.

For example, from my own life, I often got glimmers of the ultimate route for my success when least expecting it.

The back story is that I wanted to have key leaders in the human potential arena teach at my suburban personal growth East Coast offices.

However, I did not have a way to get to people like Elizabeth Kubler Ross, Jean Houston, Pir Vayalat Kahn, Herbert Benson and many others.

That is until… someone called and asked if they could rent our large meeting room.

Until that day, it was not for rent.

However, curiosity got the bet of me.

The request was to have Barbara Brennan, a renound healer come to the area.

My first thought was, NO. The meeting room was already booked with our own programs.

And yet…I felt that glimmer in my gut.

Therefore, I changed about four of our programs to give room for Dr. Brennan to have the room for her group.

I was invited to stay and here what the author of “Hands of Light” had to say. It was eye opening about a new way to think about energy.

As a result, she suggested others to come speak and the glimmer became a large, warm glow.

Glimmers awaken and activate your “YES.”

For the next eight years we had many world teachers, including Deepak, Chopra, Ram Dass, Angeles Arrien, Stan Grof, and others fill our meeting room with new and unique ideas about health and well being.

That is, until another glimmer led me to work in the business world.

A story for another day.

In conclusion, please remember, listen to that small voice so easy to ignore. It will lead you to your passion and purpose.

To your success,

Sylvia Lafair

PS. Translate the word coincidence into the word glimmer and find more joy in your life. Learn about the behavior patterns that keep you from more success in my book “Don’t Bring It To Work” and find ways to transform what doesn’t work for you into glimmers of possibilities.

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Creative Energy Options

Sylvia Lafair

Creative Energy Options

