Unleashing Leadership Potential

Dear Dr. Sylvia,
I want to leave my present job.
It makes no sense!
I am paid well and have great relationships with most of my colleagues.
However, my dream was to become a physician, and here I am, a lawyer!
“How did that happen?” you ask.
Back then, I needed to please my parent more than I did.
For example, we have generations of lawyers in the family. Thus, I went to law school.
Heart truths are the way to career fulfillment.
Yet, I have dreams of working in a hospital and helping people heal.
Furthermore, my wife thinks I should go for it. What I mean about that is to become a physician’s assistant.
Medical school would be too much of a burden on me and my family at this point in my life. However, I have been taking special classes to keep my dream alive, and I could soon transition to being an assistant in a hospital.
Glimmers of possibilities: Discover your leadership brilliance.
Whenever I think of this, I smile even though my parents and siblings think it makes no sense.
I know your work is about taking a holistic approach to success.
Consequently, I heard your new book, “GLIMMERS to GREATNESS: Illuminating the Leader’s Path,” will be available in May. It is about harnessing glimmers of possibility and turning them into reality.
Can you give me some ideas from the book?
Ready to Change
Become a possibility pioneer and create something extraordinary in your life.
Dear Ready to Change,
I have been working on my new book for the past year, and yes, it will be available soon.
In the interim, let me offer some thoughts so you can make a big decision about changing career lanes.
Firstly, a GLIMMER signifies a small, often subtle sign of potential or opportunity. It can be an idea, a concept, or a faint indication of a new direction.
Secondly, recognizing these glimmers of possibilities requires a keen sense of observation and a willingness to embrace uncertainty.
Thus, I want to share a personal story to help you look at your life.
I grew up in a family where my father and his two brothers started a company to make silk flowers imported from Japan.
It was fiscally sound; however, the company appeared emotionally bankrupt. Too much conflict.
The three brothers fought so much, and I heard lots of complaining as I grew up.
I made a decision that I would never, ever be in the business world.My parents, like yours, suggested a career as a teacher. There were many teachers in my family.
I always wondered why people behave the way they do and decided to move in the direction of psychology. Close to teaching in many ways.
One evening, I facilitated a program for parents with disgruntled teens (the room was packed), a man came to talk with me at the end of the presentation.
GLIMMERS come in words and feelings.
“Will you work with my senior executive team?” He quired.
He said the same issues I mentioned about family conflict were happening at work.
Right then and there, a GLIMMER appeared, shimmering in blue and purple in front of my eyes.
I was not too fond of the work world, or so I thought.
However, that glimmer of curiosity won the day.
My career path was changed forever.
Who knew?? GLIMMERS lead you to what is next if you pay attention.
A glimmer of possibility can have a profound impact on leaders and organizations. Research suggests leaders actively seeking out and responding to these early signs are better equipped to innovate and adapt to the ever-evolving business landscape.
Therefore, leaders looking to capitalize on the transformative power of glimmers should consider the following:
Cultivate a culture of curiosity
Encourage curiosity and a willingness to explore new ideas. Do this by reading and going to group activities outside your normal ones. For example, take a pottery course, go to a flower show, or take up pickleball.
With your team, provide space for brainstorming sessions and reward innovative thinking.
Embrace ambiguity
Influential leaders understand that the path to success is rarely linear. When things appear confusing, they embrace confusion rather than fear it. They view uncertainties as opportunities rather than obstacles.
Encourage continuous learning
Stay informed about industry trends and emerging technologies. A commitment to continuous learning positions leaders to recognize and act on GLIMMERS of possibilities. This active role keeps you from becoming stagnant.
In short, you can change careers, lead enthusiastically, and make bold changes by transforming subtle signals into groundbreaking achievements.
To your success,
Sylvia Lafair
PS. Remember, only YOU can dream your dream! Please read “Don’t Bring It to Work†with its companion “Pattern Aware Success Guidebook.†Here, you will learn daily methods to sharpen your systems thinking skills.