A Tsunami of Thoughts

A man with glasses sitting in front of a wall.

Summary: When you are overwhelmed, here are some ways to go from falling apart to staying strong.

Dear Dr. Sylvia,

How does it happen? I already know your answer. I’m still going to ask. How does it happen?

I know you’re probably saying, “get to the point.”

So here goes.

For example, I live in Denver, Colorado. Did you know we have had some strange weather lately?

We call it binge weather. It’s like an eating disorder. You know, too much one day and then not enough the next.

Above all, it’s making me crazy. First, we had a rocky mountain high of 88 degrees. Then we went to a high of 37 degrees and snow the next day.

When normal is not working, what do you do then?

That is to say, it’s not normal. 

To be clear, nothing is normal anymore.

I feel like I’m losing my mind. Did I say I’m overwhelmed?

I expect you will say something about climate change and that we all must do our part.

It’s not enough for me right now.

Look, I know you live in the Bay Area. I wonder how the lack of rain, smoke, fires, and heat is for you?

In the same vein, every time zone in the country is feeling some changes. Is this the new normal? Do we now have to guess everything second?

Conflicting emotions can trigger health issues.

In any case, my real question is, “What do I do with all my conflicting emotions?

I am ambivalent about work. The kids are driving me nuts. My wife, my clients, even the neighbors are making too many demands on me.

The virus, not sure what to say about that! I can’t figure out how to handle all of it.

I need a dose of healthy advice.

Please help,

Bothered and Bewildered

When you feel lost you must first learn to stand still and listen

Dear Bothered and Bewildered,

You are not alone. It sounds like so many of us, not sure which way to turn. 

Did you know that the word “overwhelmed” is looked up all the time on Googe?

Remember when you read, “Don’t Bring It To Work?”. You began to clarify how patterns repeat and repeat unless you tackle them by choosing change? 

Consequently, I know the awful sense of self-doubt and feeling overwhelmed to create a tsunami in your mind. Sadly, it comes from negative thoughts. I can almost hear you saying over and over; you don’t know what you’re doing.

Furthermore, all the worries about climate, health, wealth, security, violence, schooling, all of it is too much for my brain to compute.

However, as leaders and parents, we can’t just pull the covers over our heads. We must be examples of the following steps, even if we don’t want to do anything at all.

Choose to be a positive leader

Leadership means taking all those conflicting emotions and making specific and accurate choices, right here and right now.

Since you are in Colorado, I want to talk about weeds. No, not weed, about weeds.

My advice is “Don’t Feed the Weeds.†

Stay with me and smile a bit. 

Think about a garden. What happens when you pull weeds from a garden? Those little green weeds that are still small? They are super easy to get out of the ground. 

What happens when you feed the weeds? You know the answer. They will grow deep roots. 

In addition, then you must tug and tug and tug to get them out.

Moreover, today, do ONE THING. That’s it. ONE THING to get the weeds out of your garden.

Most importantly, I’m talking about the garden of your mind and emotions.

If you give in to the emotions of fear and hopelessness, you will stay stuck. 

Ya gotta move! Do something.

I have found that if you chunk down the overwhelm, you can handle it.

Here is one idea for starters. Join my free Stress Mastery Facebook group. I have daily quotes and tips for managing stress more effectively.

You can participate and ask questions or get some great ideas on how to tackle today’s stress.

We all need to help each other stay strong.

Here is a short and straightforward exercise that I know has helped many. Join the ranks of those who will not give in to fear and overwhelm.

Shrug It Off

Bring your shoulders to your ears, and then let them drop. Do this rapidly. Do at least ten times in a row.

Inhale while you raise your shoulders and exhale when you lower them. And say to yourself, “This too shall pass.”

Then give your family hugs, for no reason, just because you care.

In conclusion, I think you will find the Stress Mastery Facebook group helpful and calming. And remember, I gave you a clue to stopping the old patterns from repeating: no more watering the weeds.

Here’s to your success,


P.S. Our coaches are experts in stress mastery. To sum up, They can help you find the best route from being overwhelmed to calm. I would love you to make an appointment here.

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Creative Energy Options

Sylvia Lafair

Creative Energy Options

