Summary: The synergy between different generations fosters innovation, growth, and sustained success. Let’s explore the role of “Bridge Builders” — individuals who actively work to connect generations in leadership, creating a dynamic and inclusive environment that benefits everyone involved.
Dear Dr. Sylvia,
Why do older people at work talk so much?
They go on and on and repeat the same ideas and rarely take a breath.
For example, we have a new COO who never stops long enough to see if we are tracking with him.
For this reason, I get so bored I fantasize about pelting him with spitballs.
I know you think this is immature.
It is.
When we meet with him, I feel like I am back in middle school in a boring history class.
This guy is in his late 50s, and it’s time for him to retire.
Why can’t he look around the room and see all the folks ready to put pins in their eyes rather than listen to him?
Nevertheless, I want to learn, grow, and be a great leader. Sadly, I am NOT learning how from him.
I hope I have not embarrassed you; I know you are also not a millennial. However, you tend to give great info for all ages.
Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Dear Between,
We “elders” often think your generation cannot listen for more than a quick soundbite.
Is that true?
Research indicates that today’s average concentration span is about that of a goldfish. It is registered in milliseconds!
Let’s look at you, an emerging leader, and those you report to, primarily folks in their 40s and 50s.
Embrace Diversity in Leadership
Firstly, effective leadership goes beyond age and experience. It thrives on diversity — a blend of perspectives, skills, and approaches.
Bridge Builders (I hope that is you) recognize the importance of embracing differences in leadership styles and harnessing the unique strengths that each generation brings to the table.
Break Down Stereotypes
For example, stereotypes often surround different generations in the workplace.
Moreover, millennials are labeled tech-savvy but impatient, while older generations may be seen as resistant to change.
Bridge Builders challenge these stereotypes, recognizing that each individual is unique and has valuable contributions to make, regardless of their generational label.
Foster Mentorship and Learning
One of the critical roles of Bridge Builders is to facilitate mentorship and learning opportunities across generations.
Millennials can benefit from the wisdom and experience of seasoned leaders, while older generations can gain fresh perspectives and insights from the innovative thinking of the younger workforce.
Create a Collaborative Culture
Bridge Builders understand the importance of creating a collaborative culture where ideas can flow freely, and everyone feels valued.
By fostering an environment that encourages open communication and mutual respect, these leaders contribute to a positive and productive workplace.
Navigate Change Together
In a rapidly changing business landscape, adaptability is crucial. Bridge Builders helps organizations navigate change by bringing together the strengths of different generations.
A quick personal story that was like ice water poured over my very obtuse generational head when I was in my 30’s.
My mother was in her late 60s, and I was in my mid-thirties. We were shopping for holiday gifts, and I still had lots to do when my usually vivacious mom said it was time for me to take her home.
Huh? She knew there were presents to buy and food to gather. I asked for at least another hour. After fifteen minutes, she said in that mom’s voice from childhood, “Sylvia, I would like to go home NOW!”
It was quiet in the car until she said, “Pull over to the side of the road and turn off the engine.”
At that moment, I became super concerned. In a few sentences, I learned so much about the generational divide.
Her words still resonate with me now that I’m on her side of the adult daughter, aging parent divide.
“I know you don’t like to think of me as getting older. Guess what? Neither do I. However, there is a shift in both my physical and mental realms. Do I like it? Hell, NO! Yet, it’s the truth. I still have lots of creativity and caring, however, my thoughts are not as quick, and my walk is a bit slower. When you ignore the changes, it annoys me.
I also hear you judge your boss and those senior to you at work. We can judge each other and stay in our generational lanes. OR, we can talk more openly about how to support each other. What do you choose?”
Fast forward a few weeks. With my mom’s help, I put together a half-day program at work titled (I bet you can guess the name), yup, “Bridge Builders.”
Build a Legacy of Leadership
Bridge Builders contribute to creating a lasting legacy by connecting generations in leadership.
Furthermore, they understand that the future of leadership is a continuum, and by investing in the development of individuals across generations, they ensure a smooth transition of leadership rooted in a shared vision and values.
Bridge Builders are pivotal in the journey towards more decisive, resilient leadership.
In conclusion, by connecting generations, they weave a tapestry of diverse talents, experiences, and perspectives that ultimately contribute to the success of organizations and the development of well-rounded, future-ready leaders.
As we embrace the concept of Bridge Builders, we pave the way for a brighter and more inclusive future in leadership.
To your success,
Sylvia Lafair
PS. If you want to dive deep into generations at work, please consider my book, “Don’t Bring It to Work: Breaking The Family Patterns That Limit Success.”