Sylvia Lafair
The growing focus on Standing Rock Reservation and the issues surrounding water, oil, human rights, and earth rights brought up a memory from several years ago. The morning after the sweat lodge we sat in a circle for our farewell ceremony. Bleary eyed in the predawn cold, something looked and felt different. Was it just me?…
Read “Whoever goes to the White House will bring along many others with their personal baggage.â€Â This was a recent post on Twitter. There was no claim to who would win the election or who they would bring with them. Just a less than 140-characters of information, to think about. I thought about how this most…
Read MoreWe live in a time of sizzle and dazzle, quips and giggles. It’s not a time to do deep dives into any subject. How do I know? I’ve fool-hardheartedly been following the Presidential election soaps on television and twitter. I’ve been wondering why and when we turned from substance to slander and superficiality. I want…
Read MoreYes, we live in a fast paced world. Yes, we are often at tipping points of stress. Yes, we can do better. “We are all in it together and no one wins unless we all do.†This mantra sounds good, however, for most of us it sounds naïve. Sometimes the world seems to be spinning…
Read MoreGot on the bus. Waited. Got on another bus. Waited even longer. Had a bad feeling this paid in advance tour was going to disappoint. And it did. Almost. Tours to that revered site in Rome, the Vatican are expensive and seemingly necessary. Otherwise the lines can be hours long. The Vatican is a must…
Read MoreThe quality of your life, personally and professionally, is based on how you make decisions. There is the old way and the new way: hint, the new way is actually older than the old way. The indigenous cultures all knew and still know that everything is connected. Somewhere along the way as we became “sophisticated…
Read MoreI hear this plaintive cry from executives and middle managers all the time. I hear it from superintendents to elementary school teachers for at least ten months out of the year. Getting along is what we all want. Right? So, why does it seem almost impossible to get through even a few days without feeling…
Read MoreCharles sat down and wiped the perspiration from his forehead. He looked at the fifteen others in the room. He could not decide if he felt relieved or embarrassed. That was it. Finally, John broke the silence by saying quietly, “We are truly sorry. Thank you for your honesty and openness.†There was nothing more…
Read MoreTwice a year we do a program for leaders and emerging leaders. It is a four session program spread over five months. Each time I include clips of leaders who have and continue to make a difference in our world. There are a few staples, like Nelson Mandela and Abraham Lincoln. We choose from a…
Read MoreI was sitting having a quick dinner in Manhattan with some colleagues. The place was packed and the noise level high. Just a typical 6:30 p.m. time of workplace decompressing, after one of those typical rush and get it done days. At the table to the left we heard “No one should be forced to…
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