
Creative Energy Options

Leadership Strategies: Damn it, Listen to Me!

By Sylvia Lafair | March 15, 2018 | Comments Off on Leadership Strategies: Damn it, Listen to Me!

Over the years, I’ve heard from leaders is that getting them to listen to me is one of the hardest obstacles to success. In this article, I address 4 levels of communication that will help you overcome this block. Do you remember playing the game “Whispering Down the Lane” as a kid? Kinda old school,…

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Creative Energy Options

Why can’t we all just get along?

By Sylvia Lafair | March 6, 2018 | Comments Off on Why can’t we all just get along?

Did you ever wonder why it’s so hard to just get along? Why there’s so much tension and dissension in the world? Why has behavior hit new lows with badmouthing all the way from top leadership in our country to the workplace? It’s everywhere and in all areas of our lives. Just recently sweet, chubby,…

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Creative Energy Options

How to know if he or she is a denier

By Sylvia Lafair | February 20, 2018 | Comments Off on How to know if he or she is a denier

I recently received a curious email asking for help. Most of the time I get questions about work and leadership issues. This one is a bit different however it does fit into the patterns I’ve been discussing on the blog here. Dear Dr. Sylvia, You know that last week was Valentine’s Day. Well, you know,…

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Creative Energy Options

Transforming the martyr to the integrator

By Sylvia Lafair | January 31, 2018 | Comments Off on Transforming the martyr to the integrator

Imagine what it’s like to work from dawn till, no not dusk, till the middle of the night. Imagine if you do this while you have a background program in your head saying “Worry, the catastrophe is about to happen.” Even when there’s no big deal issue there are those whose first love is to…

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Creative Energy Options

Why being a clown just doesn’t work

By Sylvia Lafair | January 23, 2018 | Comments Off on Why being a clown just doesn’t work

Summary: When situations at work are tense, there is a need for some laughter. Timing is a core issue. Here are ways clowns at work (annoying) become humorists (clever). Dear Dr. Sylvia, When numbers are down, I need help getting my team out of a fear-based mentality. Most importantly, This is a tense time. Above…

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Creative Energy Options

How to become an elegant truth teller instead of a people pleaser

By Sylvia Lafair | January 16, 2018 | Comments Off on How to become an elegant truth teller instead of a people pleaser

Summary: Do you worry that too many of your employees are people pleasers? They do whatever you say and never speak up or challenge you? Here are some ideas for you. When you or others fear speaking up it causes stagnation. That’s when creativity is nowhere to be found. For instance, you want your team…

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Creative Energy Options

Let’s vision 2018 as a year of hope

By Sylvia Lafair | December 26, 2017 | Comments Off on Let’s vision 2018 as a year of hope

Here is my wish for you, for all of us, as we get ready to release the old and ring in the new. Would you say its been a roller coaster year? It’s hard to process all the political dramas, climate challenges with hurricanes and fires, terrorist attacks, sexual harassment allegations, along with the usual…

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Creative Energy Options

Rebels Turned Community Builders

By Sylvia Lafair | November 21, 2017 | Comments Off on Rebels Turned Community Builders

Let’s look at the difference between a rebel who fights for what is right and how that rebel can turn into a community builder, helping all of us move to new heights of thinking beyond just right and wrong. I specifically want to look at the women of today who are saying “no more!” It’s…

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Creative Energy Options

The pattern of destructive entitlement

By Sylvia Lafair | November 7, 2017 | Comments Off on The pattern of destructive entitlement

Last week I wrote about Harvey Weinstein and the long term cultural reasons for his outlandish manish behavior. I received so many responses that I see I hit a nerve. One of you asked some very important questions regarding family. Think, for a minute, about the subtitle of my book “Don’t Bring It To Work,” which…

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Creative Energy Options

The 3 “C’s” of Effective Leaders

By Sylvia Lafair | September 6, 2017 | Comments Off on The 3 “C’s” of Effective Leaders

What do you look for in your leaders? What are the most compelling attributes that are needed and yearned for in today’s effective leaders? What do you want to see so you can believe in him or her? No longer willing to simply nod and agree? No longer simply be a by-standers without speaking up?…

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