Spotting The Big Difference Between Charming and Sincere

a prince and a princess looking at each other

We live in a time of sizzle and dazzle, quips and giggles. It’s not a time to do deep dives into any subject. How do I know? I’ve fool-hardheartedly been following the Presidential election soaps on television and twitter. I’ve been wondering why and when we turned from substance to slander and superficiality. I want…

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How Todays Trinity of Extremes Affects Us All

Creative Energy Options

Yes, we live in a fast paced world. Yes, we are often at tipping points of stress. Yes, we can do better. “We are all in it together and no one wins unless we all do.” This mantra sounds good, however, for most of us it sounds naïve. Sometimes the world seems to be spinning…

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Magic Moments Best When Unexpected

Creative Energy Options

Got on the bus. Waited. Got on another bus. Waited even longer. Had a bad feeling this paid in advance tour was going to disappoint. And it did. Almost. Tours to that revered site in Rome, the Vatican are expensive and seemingly necessary. Otherwise the lines can be hours long. The Vatican is a must…

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The Downside Of Growing Your Organizational Culture

Creative Energy Options

I was sitting having a quick dinner in Manhattan with some colleagues. The place was packed and the noise level high. Just a typical 6:30 p.m. time of workplace decompressing, after one of those typical rush and get it done days. At the table to the left we heard “No one should be forced to…

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Happy Holidays, Happy YOU

Creative Energy Options

I just came home from shopping for the last minute gifts for my family. Was it fun? Well, some of it was and some of it was rather annoying. I took time to observe my reactions to the good moments and the sour ones. Then I found some research that aligned with my feelings and…

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Honoring Our Veterans: Each In Our Own Way

Creative Energy Options

I sat in silence listening to the stories of battered trucks driving down dirt roads and blowing up just a hairs breath from soldiers on duty. I heard about the pain, angst and often guilt that is part of physically fighting someone into submission or fear being killed. The vets all said, in their own…

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Stuck Plumbing?

Creative Energy Options

Dear Dr. Sylvia, I am a newly named director in a major tech company. We have been around for many years and have so many systems in place. However, what cannot be programmed (wish it could be!) are the human beings who surround me. Here is my dilemma: my boss is a mixture of a…

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