Pouring from an Empty Pitcher : Finding Strength under Stress

I want to explore what giving means when you have nothing left. Let’s celebrate and honor those who pour water from an empty pitcher. I include actionable tips and insights for individuals and teams, from recognizing personal boundaries to creating a culture of support and celebration. The Metaphor of Pouring from an Empty Pitcher The…

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Want Less Stress, and Feel “SO ZEN”: How to Keep The Stress Hormone Cortisol in Check

Summary: Stress is a natural part of life, and our bodies are designed to handle it, at least in short bursts. At the center of this response lies cortisol, the primary hormone responsible for regulating stress. However, in today’s world of relentless deadlines, 24/7 connectivity, and mounting pressures, cortisol levels can remain chronically high, leading…

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The Upside and Downside of Freedom: A Deep Dive Inspired by “King George” from “Hamilton”

Summary: Freedom is a multifaceted concept that evokes a sense of power, autonomy, and self-determination. However, the other side of the coin often presents challenges, responsibilities, and unforeseen consequences. Here, we will explore freedom, using the poignant lyrics of King George III’s song from the musical “Hamilton.” Dear Dr. Sylvia, I was thinking about that…

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Unlock Freedom: Embrace the Hero’s Journey

Summary: The hero’s journey, a narrative framework popularized by Joseph Campbell, is more than just a storytelling tool. It is a blueprint for personal transformation and freedom. By viewing our lives through the lens of the hero’s journey, we can find purpose, overcome obstacles, and achieve a profound sense of freedom. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I…

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The Upside and Downside of Being a Mother

Summary: Being a mother is one of the most profound experiences a woman can have. It’s a journey with highs and lows, laughter and tears. Ultimately, it can be incredibly rewarding. Let’s look at the joys and challenges faced. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I am a working mom and I usually cringe with all the “sappy”…

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Pay Attention to What Makes YOU Happy

Dear Dr. Sylvia, I want to become a “glimmer gatherer.” You seem to be on a roll with fun ideas on how to follow your heart and also be successful. Please let me know what led you to this direction? I am at a crossroad in my career and need some new ideas as I…

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