Managing Stress
Summary: Most twenty-first-century workplaces are rife with negativity, tension, and conflict, with enormous costs ranging from decreased productivity to lawsuits. Here are some ideas on developing psychological safety and making positive cultural changes. Dear Dr. Sylvia, The complaining at work about too little time and too much to do is getting old. I have team…
Read MoreSummary: What happens when a fist hits flesh? Or when words sting and burn? Conflict is a BIG problem that can make teams thrive if handled effectively. Conversely, customers and employees leave (or lose championship games) when conflict is swept under the rug. Here are my thoughts about best practices for conflict resolution. Dear Dr.…
Read MoreSummary: Is the world spinning out of control? It feels that way with the speed of negative issues that seem to impact everyone, everywhere, all at once. Here are some ways to help students cope with the complexities of modern life. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I am a high school English teacher. My kids are hurting…
Read MoreSummary: The beginning of each new year offers unique possibilities for growth and health. At the core, it is mostly about attitude. Here are some tips on navigating your world to make it special. Dear Dr. Sylvia, The new year has not been friendly to me. To clarify, I live in what used to be…
Read MoreSummary: Life is like a sandwich. Endings and beginnings are like the top and bottom pieces of bread; the rest is considered the sandwich filling. Dear …. The holidays are known as a time of fun, festivities, and fascinating happenings. It is also a time to reflect and plan for the new year. With all…
Read MoreSummary: We are in new territory in the world of work. It’s time to take advantage of the opportunities gained by collaborating rather than condemning. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I am having a retreat with my senior staff to discuss the future of work. I know you believe in leadership programs for everyone. I’m not sure…
Read MoreSummary: We are in new territory post-pandemic, and the education system needs an upgrade, or we will keep losing dedicated educators. Here’s what to do. With a radical idea at the end of this post. If you’re a classroom teacher feeling the pressure of your job, I can help you identify the signs of teacher…
Read MoreSummary: The rules of the game of work are changing. We are in the middle of a behavior reframe. Social media teaches us that “if you think it, you should say it,” regardless of consequences. Not true! Here is a better way. Dear Dr. Sylvia, Holiday time is upon us at full speed. For example,…
Read MoreSummary: Fourth quarter is looming in front of you—bonuses at work, gifts for family and friends at home, — overthinking everything. The benefits of putting your career on hold, even for a brief time, are essential. It’s equally important to do something positive. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I don’t have time to stop. Even taking time…
Read MoreSummary: When stress hits the hot button, there is often a downward spiral. What you say to yourself causes stress to spike even more. Here’s what to do to prevent a meltdown. Every career has its struggles. We all know that! However, when the negative outweighs the positive, it becomes a trap. What kind of…
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