Did you ever wonder if you were going to be fired? Did you ever have a conversation with someone in a position to tell you to pack your bags and leave? Do you ever have to tell someone they are not a fit for your team and it’s time to say goodbye?
In my work with leaders for many years, I’ve observed that even the brightest and best leaders struggle with confidence.
Everyone has fears of being told they are not good enough. Everyone. In fact, did you ever hear of, ta-dah…The Impostor Syndrome?
Even the most confident individuals at some time or another, wonder if they are good enough. Even the stars of the world have confidence concerns.
The degree of nervousness about what others think of you, of how you will succeed in your life, of how you will measure your own success is a matter of confidence.
Take a minute and simply rate yourself on a scale of 1-10. Yes, do it right now. If you sit at a 10 you are on top of the confidence mountain and no one can really topple you to trip and fall down that slippery slope to “damn, I can’t do anything right.†And if you are at a 1, well, you are a veritable mess of contradictions, concerns, and confusion.
A study by the University of Melbourne indicates a connection between advancement at work and being self-confident. It shows what I teach and teach and teach, that who we are goes back to what we learned in our original organization, the family.
Take my leadership quiz to show where you’re stuck and then, once you see the issues, you can learn to grow past the self-doubts and the concerns that people see you better than you are, that annoying impostor syndrome, and bring your self-confidence to a whole new level.
This is one of the 3 C’s I will be talking about in my webinar in a few weeks. It’s about the most important underlying leadership strategies you need to be aware of for ultimate success: Confidence, Character, and Communication.
Think of it this way, if you do the work to become self- aware and polish your character and then build up your confidence, when you communicate you are really heard and respected.
Communication is like an x-ray of your inner self, out there for all the world to see.
You don’t want to undermine anyone else nor be undermined. When you feel extraordinary and shine with confidence you can be a beacon for others to shine also.
So, polish yourself to shine even brighter.