Summary: Leadership and self-awareness go hand in hand. That means knowing your family and cultural history. Have you ever thought about what happened in the room where YOU began? #leadership #culture #communication
I have a question. Do you know about you, in the room where it happened?
The success of the Broadway show Hamilton brings that song to everybody’s mind. “I want to be in a room where it happened” is a common refrain now.
How important is it to know about your conception?
One critical area for self-awareness is what took place in your earliest room. That, of course, is when you were conceived.
For example, have you ever wondered what happened at that moment when the sperm and the egg met that became you? And then, nine months later, voila, There you are! It’s a powerful concept to understand.
Indeed, you can say you were too small to know what was happening. Maybe, maybe not.
We’ll talk about that another time
For now, the focus is on the birthing room.
What self-awareness do you have about your delivery into this world?
The second place, the other room where it happened, was the delivery room. Perhaps in the back of a taxi cab, on an airplane, or maybe you had a home birth. Wherever you were, the impact of your delivery stays with you, even today.
Moreover, this may surprise you. It’s good to be surprised.
Where and how your birth occurred is critical for your understanding, for your self-awareness. It’s not just a big deal to your biological mother. You were also a significant player.
This “special delivery” bringing you to the world is vital to learning how your habits and patterns started.
When you understand what was going on in the room where it happened, you have a better sense of yourself. Then you can figure out where to direct your energies. More importantly, you create a clear action plan.
Be self-aware and gather as much knowledge of your history as possible.
There is often an “aha” moment when foggy areas are brighter. In my leadership development courses, I suggest you do a deep dive into all areas of your life. Once you find some missing pieces, you have better self-awareness. Then you can overcome many of the roadblocks from your day-to-day life now.
Above all, emotional blocks cause overwhelm, self-doubt, and imposter syndrome. Your task is to break through these barriers.
What was YOUR birth like?
For example, I would like to take you to a moment in my birth.
Most importantly, I was born with the cord around my neck. There were, as my mother told me, a few moments of fear and concern. That is, until my first shout out to let the world know I’m here and ready.
What does that have to do with overwhelm, self-doubt, and the imposter syndrome?
Learn about yourself, your self-awarness then guides you to succeed
Here is what I learned to become more self-aware.
To clarify, I was always a bit hesitant to be the first to speak out.
I would get a tight feeling in my throat. It felt like I was choking.
Moreover, I would then hold back and wait.
Above all, I was cautious and filled with self-doubt.
Once I did the research and found out that as I entered the world, I needed extra help. It all started to make sense.
Change comes with new ways of looking at yourself.
Most importantly, I was then able to “risk” speaking out without waiting for someone (the obstetrician) to clear the way.
That is to say; I became strong enough to take on a more prominent leadership role without the fear of self-doubt.
In the same vein, I am always fascinated by each individual’s connections about the birth experience. How it has impacted when discussed in our leadership programs.
What happens when there is a breech birth? How about a c-section, cesarean delivery? What about someone who is adopted and the new parents are in the delivery room?
More attention to the birthing process makes you more self-aware.
When my first child was born I had no skills to look at the emotional aspects of the birthing process. Sure, I learned some breathing methods, and yes, the room was clean and quiet (well, maybe not quiet.)
But what if there was generic health education? How about the roles of mother, infant, father, doula, nurse, obstetrician, or whoever helps in the birthing room? The whole process is robust. There are long-lasting imprints on each of us.
In conclusion, habits and patterns start before we are conscious of them. Let’s get a head start on what holds us back so we can develop patterns for success.
Remember, the more you become self-aware, the better leader you become.
I would love to hear your story about what it was like for you. What self-awareness have you learned about the journey from the womb long ago?
In short, ask if, at all possible, what happened at your birth. I promise you will be amazed at what you learn.
Here’s to your success,
PS. Check out my book “Don’t Bring It To Work. ” It has incredible stories about how the patterns from the past impact your present life.
PSS Here is a recording for those of you who prefer to listen rather than read. Enjoy!