Dear Dr. Sylvia,
I am filled with self-doubt. I am wondering if this is just a “gal thing. â€
In other words, do the males of the world also worry about their abilities? Do they worry about the way they come across to others?
For example, so many I talk with (once we break the ice of superficiality) are competent executives and directors who say that they feel like a fraud, an imposter, deep inside.
Therefore, my question: Is this gender-related? Or is the culture we were raised in where the doubt comes from? Or something else?
How can you feel more confident and doubt yourself less?
In addition, the second half of my question is: What can I/we do to feel more comfortable in our own skin?
Ms. Doubtfire
Self-doubt is universal, and you can reverse it.

Dear Ms. Doubtfire,
Your question is a universal one.
I would say that more women are willing to talk about self-doubt and the imposter syndrome than men.
However, truth is told, it’s actually equal.
Some of my clients, heads of large organizations, (male and female) eventually talk about their fears. Especially, fear of not being good enough. Wondering if they can succeed in their job. Actually, many have worries about all areas of their lives.
Nothing material erases the dread of “Not good enough.”
And no amount of make-up, high-end clothes, or college degrees can make up for their inner dread. There is a baseline feeling of potentially letting everyone down.
Therefore, here’s what people think behind the fear. It sounds like this: “One dumb move and I’m done for.â€

How self-doubt started when you were a kid.
What I KNOW is that this feeling of self-doubt started long ago, as a wee little kid. It had to do with how we saw others.
First, how we looked at the adults in our lives. They could drive cars, they knew how to get from here to there (a mystery). They could stay up late and talk and drink coffee and tie their shoes without even looking,
Then peers began to excel, and they began to question their own abilities. Everyone seemed more capable, more sophisticated, smarter, thinner, a better sense of humor.
They saw themselves as “flawed†while others are perfect and have no underlying issues.
Of course, this is not true.
However…..I know most of those who have self-doubt are smart and dedicated to being the best they can be.
Let’s look at you MS. Doubtfire.
For example, do you question your ability to get things done? I bet there is worry over feeling drained to utter exhaustion. There are days of worrying about what others are saying behind your back, even though you’ve done your absolute best.
Similarly, when you find a challenge, do you inhale and forget to exhale? Or perhaps it’s that every time you step up to take on a new task, that old familiar feeling of fear comes forward to make you step down.
Fear of failure is the fatal flaw that keeps you stuck.
If that fear of failure (or fear of success) makes you cringe and hide, the feeling of self-doubt is, for you as for most of us, a ‘FATAL FLAW’.
We know where it came from. The big question is “What to do about it.â€
Think about what it would be like to start each day filled with confidence. What if you have that “yes, I can†attitude most of the time? That is what makes you feel strong and ready to take on the world.
YOu can do so much with that creative fire in the belly. Then you flush self-doubt down the drain.
What if you had a simple process to de-stress and reboot how you think about yourself, so your confidence is unbreakable.
Ask yourself these questions to break through self-doubt.
Here are 3 important questions to ask yourself at least once a week and it would be great to keep a journal with your answers.
- How honest have I been when talking with others?
- Did I shrink away from taking tasks that would make me uncomfortable?
- Who did I judge today?
These are part of a group of questions that I have put together to build your core strength and minimize self-doubt.
Now, you can begin to see other options for your day to day relating to others, and especially how you relate to yourself.
Transform outdated behavior patterns to relate effectively.
I have a great model for de-stressing the self-doubt that will push the imposter syndrome to the curb.
Once you look at the behavior patterns that have locked you into self-doubt jail, you can take a deep breath and stop worrying so much.
I think you will really get a lot out of my STRESS BUSTERS program that will help you stop doubting yourself, help you handle anger and conflict, and start enjoying the fruits of your labors without always saying “If they only knew…â€
In this program, I focus on stress reduction that will help you gain a clearer perspective of how the patterns of fear and doubt can b transformed.
Here’s to your success,
P.S. Click this link to see the masterclass and then give us a call.
P.S.S. And yes, you can transform self-doubt into self-appreciation. Works for both women and men.
P.S.S.S. If you know anyone you think would like our newsletter here is that link too.