Dear Dr. Sylvia,
I want to become a “glimmer gatherer.”
You seem to be on a roll with fun ideas on how to follow your heart and also be successful.
Please let me know what led you to this direction?
I am at a crossroad in my career and need some new ideas as I move forward.
I have been stagnant for some time and need to get on the glimmer bandwagon.
Even more importantly, how do you find and follow the glimmers to be successful in work and in love?
Going for the Gold
Dear Going for the Gold,
Good for you!
During these times where there is so much stress and negativity, it’s hard to stay positive.
Sometimes it is important to stop, sit, and llisten.
“Listen to what?: you ask.
Listen to your inner voice.
It can be heard best in a quiet space. For me, that is in nature with trees and grass around.
However, you can gain an understanding of yourself anywhere.
Being self aware is an acquired habit in this very noisy world we live in.
Therefore, go fpor the gold by taking time to sit quietly and then let the wonder of the world show ujp for you.
Here is a blog I did in 2016 when I had a magical time in Rome after a business offsite.
Being at The Vatican and standing in delight in the Sistine Chapel was super powerful.
Please enjoy what happened here.
And remember, when you simply pay attention and take a chance, yes, the glimmers come and light up your life.
To your success,
Sylvia Lafair
PS. You may want to consider my book “Invisible Stress: It’s NOT What YOU Think” to get some ideas on how to find new ways to relax and find that evasive glimmer.