Business & Life Patterns

Fathers, Sons and The Power of Acknowledgement

By Sylvia Lafair | June 13, 2024 | Comments Off on Fathers, Sons and The Power of Acknowledgement

Summary: This is in honor of Father’s Day. It explores how men help boys grow to be the best they can be. It’s never too late to use the power of acknowledgment. Then, father-son relationships become a solid base for health and well-being. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I have heard you say many times that women…

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The Dichotomy of Power: How Emotionally Powerless Leaders Seek External Dominance

By Sylvia Lafair | May 30, 2024 | Comments Off on The Dichotomy of Power: How Emotionally Powerless Leaders Seek External Dominance

Summary: Leaders are often seen as paragons of strength and confidence. Yet beneath this façade, many grapple with feelings of powerlessness. This emotional turmoil can significantly impact their leadership style, prompting a compensatory quest for external power. Understanding this dynamic is crucial for fostering healthier leadership and organizational cultures. Dear Dr. Sylvia, One Senior Vice…

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When It’s Time to Hand in Your Resignation: Navigating a Toxic Workplace

By Sylvia Lafair | May 15, 2024 | Comments Off on When It’s Time to Hand in Your Resignation: Navigating a Toxic Workplace

Summary: Making the decision to resign from a job is rarely easy, but when your workplace becomes toxic, filled with blaming and judging, it might be the best step for your mental health and career growth. Here’s a guide to recognizing the signs, preparing for the transition, and ultimately handing in your resignation with grace…

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The Upside and Downside of Being a Mother

By Sylvia Lafair | May 9, 2024 | Comments Off on The Upside and Downside of Being a Mother

Summary: Being a mother is one of the most profound experiences a woman can have. It’s a journey with highs and lows, laughter and tears. Ultimately, it can be incredibly rewarding. Let’s look at the joys and challenges faced. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I am a working mom and I usually cringe with all the “sappy”…

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Navigating the Motherly Role: How it Translates in the Workplace

By Sylvia Lafair | May 7, 2024 | Comments Off on Navigating the Motherly Role: How it Translates in the Workplace

Summary: The role of a mother holds a place of paramount importance. First, there is nurturing and guiding in the family. Then there are significant manifestations in the workplace. Here we unravel the myriad ways in which the essence of motherhood permeates professional spheres. Dear Dr Sylvia, In your Total Leadership Connections Program you talk…

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Leveraging Systems Theory to Resolve Workplace Conflicts

By Sylvia Lafair | May 2, 2024 | Comments Off on Leveraging Systems Theory to Resolve Workplace Conflicts

Summary: We all know that conflicts are inevitable. Whether they arise from differences in opinion, conflicting goals, or misunderstandings, these disputes can impede productivity and damage working relationships. However, by adopting a systems theory approach, organizations can navigate these challenges more effectively. This fosters collaboration and harmony among team members. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I am…

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Breaking Through Negativity: How Leaders Can Spark Positive Change in the Workplace

By Sylvia Lafair | April 30, 2024 | Comments Off on Breaking Through Negativity: How Leaders Can Spark Positive Change in the Workplace

Summary: Whether it’s bad news or the challenges of everyday life, negativity can seep into our minds and workplaces. This impacts morale, productivity, and overall well-being. However, amidst the darkness, there are beacons of light. Leaders who possess the vision, empathy, and determination to foster positivity drive change. Be a beacon! Dear Dr. Sylvia, I…

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The Pursuit of Happiness: Unraveling the Truth Behind Our Obsession

By Sylvia Lafair | April 26, 2024 | Comments Off on The Pursuit of Happiness: Unraveling the Truth Behind Our Obsession

Summary: From self-help books to social media influencers, the pursuit of happiness is everywhere. We’re bombarded with messages that suggest happiness is not only achievable but also mandatory for a fulfilling life. But is our obsession with being happy truly warranted? And what is the real truth behind this relentless pursuit? Dear Dr. Sylvia, I…

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Unmasking the Illusion: The Pitfalls of Quick Fixes in Executive and Life Coaching

By Sylvia Lafair | February 14, 2024 | Comments Off on Unmasking the Illusion: The Pitfalls of Quick Fixes in Executive and Life Coaching

Summary: The demand for quick solutions and instant gratification is more prevalent than ever. While the promise of simple answers and rapid results may seem appealing, a closer look reveals a lack of lasting impact in many coaching approaches. Here’s why they often fail to create sustainable, transformative change. Dear Dr. Sylvia, Over the years,…

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Wired Connections: Drawing Parallels Between Power Grids in Electricity and Human Relationships

By Sylvia Lafair | January 18, 2024 | Comments Off on Wired Connections: Drawing Parallels Between Power Grids in Electricity and Human Relationships

Summary: Just as electricity powers our modern lives through intricate networks, human relationships form a dynamic grid that sustains our social fabric. Let’s explore the fascinating parallels between the power grid in electricity and the complex web of connections that bind us as humans. Dear Dr. Sylvia, The other day, we had a blackout in…

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