Business & Life Patterns

A graphic image with locks, keys, and a bulb

The Power of Patterns: How to Unlock The Power and Potential for Growth and Development

By Sylvia Lafair | July 6, 2023 | Comments Off on The Power of Patterns: How to Unlock The Power and Potential for Growth and Development

Summary: How can you, as a leader, navigate through challenges and foster growth and development? How to let go of anxiety and burnout? The answer lies in understanding and harnessing the power of patterns. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I have been researching why so many of us repeat and repeat what we do, whether it works or…

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A woman trying to find the right mold

Break FREE From Negative Biases To Make Better Decisions

By Sylvia Lafair | May 19, 2023 | Comments Off on Break FREE From Negative Biases To Make Better Decisions

Summary: Here are ways to decide the best practices for you and your company to let go of old, outdated decision-making methods. Dear Dr. Sylvia, We must find more effective ways to make decisions that will not backfire months or years later. Therefore, please give some specific ideas so companies can manage better ways to…

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A man hopping from one block to another

The Cost of Stress: How Leaders Can Stay Resilient

By Sylvia Lafair | April 20, 2023 | Comments Off on The Cost of Stress: How Leaders Can Stay Resilient

Summary: As leaders, it is essential to take care of yourselves so that you can take care of your team and your customers. Here are some tips and strategies to help you manage stress and lead your team effectively. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I just read that stress in the workplace is a billion-dollar problem. Not…

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A graphically designed image of multiple graduation caps

Educators and Parents: How to Prepare High School Students for Adulthood

By Sylvia Lafair | April 10, 2023 | Comments Off on Educators and Parents: How to Prepare High School Students for Adulthood

Summary: What is missing in preparing today’s students for life challenges? They want “people skills,” and it would benefit us to teach them skills to be better adults. Dear Dr. Sylvia, As a large urban high school principal, I appreciate your time with my leadership team. Furthermore, I did what you suggested. I surveyed the…

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A graphic sketch of multiple people posing for a picture

Your Family’s Secret Influence On Career Success

By Sylvia Lafair | April 5, 2023 | Comments Off on Your Family’s Secret Influence On Career Success

Summary: Family patterns can impact individual development. This includes the ability to become influential adult leaders. Leaders who become more aware of the impact of the past on the present are the ones who will win long-term. Dear Dr. Sylvia, As head of HR at a very competitive organization, one of my main areas of…

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Why “I Never Thought About It This Way” Information is Good for YOU

By Sylvia Lafair | March 29, 2023 | Comments Off on Why “I Never Thought About It This Way” Information is Good for YOU

Summary: The internet and social media have changed us. Sometimes for the better, and sometimes not. Here is an interview with Tom Lane, author of “The Karma Factor,” that will give you new ways of thinking about the consequences of behavior. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I messed up! Big time! And then I had to apologize.…

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Leadership Tips: Here are 2 Words To Avoid At Work, at Home, and Everywhere

By Sylvia Lafair | February 1, 2023 | Comments Off on Leadership Tips: Here are 2 Words To Avoid At Work, at Home, and Everywhere

Summary: Words are powerful. Some can lead you to success. Others will get in the way and keep you stuck in old, outdated behavior patterns. Be careful of the two vital words discussed here. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I resolved to communicate more effectively this year. Time is moving quickly, and I still feel I will…

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Image of boy and girl talking

Leadership Lessons: What Matters When You Tell The Truth

By Sylvia Lafair | January 19, 2023 | Comments Off on Leadership Lessons: What Matters When You Tell The Truth

Summary: In this era of social media excess, where everyone can offer their version of what is truth without fact-checking, it’s time for critical thinking to stop the dysfunction of speaking without considering the consequences of our words. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I have a question for you. Question: How many business coaches does it take…

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Influential Leaders Practice Safe Stress

By Sylvia Lafair | January 13, 2023 | Comments Off on Influential Leaders Practice Safe Stress

Summary: The beginning of each new year offers unique possibilities for growth and health. At the core, it is mostly about attitude. Here are some tips on navigating your world to make it special. Dear Dr. Sylvia, The new year has not been friendly to me. To clarify, I live in what used to be…

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Colorful firework with bokeh background.

How to Leap into the New Year and Let Your Dreams Take Flight

By Sylvia Lafair | December 27, 2022 | Comments Off on How to Leap into the New Year and Let Your Dreams Take Flight

Summary: This is a great time to think about how you want to advance your career and your relationships. Go ahead, take a leap of faith. Here’s what to do.  Dear ….  Did you know that at least 50% of adults make new year’s resolutions?  Mostly they are about more exercise, less weight, healthier eating,…

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