I get a lot of questions all the time asking me how to handle stress in times of distress so I felt it was important to address this and share 5 tips that will get you out of stress zone. How do you handle those awful moments when you are boiling inside and yet, smiling…
Read MoreSummary: Whether you attack or retreat, you remain in the “chasm of chaos” till you find your way to the safe stress zone. Here is the route to get to both safety and success. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I need help. Right now! Can you give me a quick, simple way of handling all the stress…
Read MoreSummary: Have the rules for leadership coaching programs changed over time? While much changes, the core of leadership coaching programs is evergreen. That means recognizing and including individuals to work together for the best results. Has social media and the fast pace of the world made authentic leadership qualities so different? I say NO. Then, I…
Read MoreAre you (or someone you know) an avoider? You know…when there is conflict, contention, carrying-on in a nasty way that doesn’t stop, do you ever think “I gotta get outta here?†We all have that feeling at some time. However, when it happens over and over it’s a powerful behavior pattern…the avoider. Avoiders often grew…
Read MoreDo you ever get frustrated with petty conflicts at work? You’re not alone. A whopping 93% of workers report being affected in a negative manner by conflict. The other variable is the length of time consumed by on-going, unresolved conflict. Even worse is the fact that litigation for workplace harassment and hostile work environments has…
Read MoreLearning how to understand people especially when you are ready to make a quick decision is an important skill. How many times have you looked at a boss, colleague or direct report and said to yourself, “Why did they do that?†And this was said with frustration and even dismay. Were you curious to find…
Read MoreTime to get your communication skills upgraded. Let’s start with a quiz. What are the two most annoying words that we all misuse? Don’t cheat and look at the end of this. Just keep reading. It will make more sense that way. Here’s the story Carol told me about a situation at work. It locked…
Read MoreThis month is dedicated to communication, to telling the truth without spilling your guts, or for some, letting go of the truth festering inside because of the fear of retribution, and getting past the upset. There is a better way… Based on so many calls and emails I have gotten in the past few months,…
Read MoreEveryone is telling me this year has more stress and strain than in the past? You agree? “Why,†people are asking, “is life so much more out of balance now?†I must admit, I’m not sure. However, I have a hunch that all the social media stuff is really making us kinda crazy. I was…
Read MoreHere’s a question that comes up way too often. Before I state the question let me set the context. Do you believe the leaders at your organization are good and positive people? Can you talk with your team and feel there is mutual respect? Have you ever been bullied by a brilliant boss? Now the question: Can people with high emotional…
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