Leadership Strategies

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The Future of Work Means Choosing Dialogue Over Debate. Here’s What To Consider.

By Sylvia Lafair | December 14, 2022 | Comments Off on The Future of Work Means Choosing Dialogue Over Debate. Here’s What To Consider.

Summary: We are in new territory in the world of work. It’s time to take advantage of the opportunities gained by collaborating rather than condemning.  Dear Dr. Sylvia,  I am having a retreat with my senior staff to discuss the future of work.  I know you believe in leadership programs for everyone.  I’m not sure…

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Creative image of pen, bag, calculator

What Educators Face as The World Changes and Helpful Solutions

By Sylvia Lafair | December 12, 2022 | Comments Off on What Educators Face as The World Changes and Helpful Solutions

Summary: We are in new territory post-pandemic, and the education system needs an upgrade, or we will keep losing dedicated educators. Here’s what to do. With a radical idea at the end of this post. If you’re a classroom teacher feeling the pressure of your job, I can help you identify the signs of teacher…

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A graphic image of a loudspeaker

Time to Talk Truth to Power: Here’s What To Do

By Sylvia Lafair | December 7, 2022 | Comments Off on Time to Talk Truth to Power: Here’s What To Do

Summary: Learn how to speak up and be heard by someone in power. The “Four B’s” make it a slam dunk every time. Dear Dr. Sylvia, Did you ever think there would be a big push to consider employees’ mental health at work? Don’t get me wrong. I know it is essential to bring, as…

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An illustration and art of men and women having a conversation

Upgrade Your Soft Skills; Needed Now More Than Ever

By Sylvia Lafair | November 30, 2022 | Comments Off on Upgrade Your Soft Skills; Needed Now More Than Ever

Summary: The rules of the game of work are changing. We are in the middle of a behavior reframe. Social media teaches us that “if you think it, you should say it,” regardless of consequences. Not true! Here is a better way. Dear Dr. Sylvia, Holiday time is upon us at full speed. For example,…

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A picture of a coffee cup in a yellow background

Is Holiday Pressure High? Science Suggests A Coffee Break And Then Do This

By Sylvia Lafair | November 23, 2022 | Comments Off on Is Holiday Pressure High? Science Suggests A Coffee Break And Then Do This

Summary: Fourth quarter is looming in front of you—bonuses at work, gifts for family and friends at home, — overthinking everything. The benefits of putting your career on hold, even for a brief time, are essential. It’s equally important to do something positive. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I don’t have time to stop. Even taking time…

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An illustration of people with different things on their mind

Leadership Lessons: What Do Super Achievers, Rebels, and Leaders Need to Change?

By Sylvia Lafair | November 16, 2022 | Comments Off on Leadership Lessons: What Do Super Achievers, Rebels, and Leaders Need to Change?

Summary: The way OUT of constant conflict is to help your employees learn leadership skills for now and into the future. Systems thinking and releasing outdated behavior patterns are vital for success. Dear Dr. Sylvia, The economy is making everyone cringe, quiver, twitch, and worry. There are more constant conflicts with my staff than ever…

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An illustration and artwork of a woman sitting on chair

Guess Which 3 Professions Top The Extreme Stress Scale? (Hint: Lawyers are #2).

By Sylvia Lafair | November 14, 2022 | Comments Off on Guess Which 3 Professions Top The Extreme Stress Scale? (Hint: Lawyers are #2).

Summary: The pandemic showed us where weak spots cause extreme stress and burnout. Here is what to do to recharge your batteries and have less stress. You and I know everyone has a rough day or two or three. That’s when you tell yourself it’s time to take a break, eat a favorite food, and…

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An illustration of different color eyes on an orange background

Leadership Lessons: How to Overcome Emotional Blind Spots

By Sylvia Lafair | November 9, 2022 | Comments Off on Leadership Lessons: How to Overcome Emotional Blind Spots

Summary: Everyone has them. You cannot see them, yet, they are part of your life and can destroy a career (or marriage) if left untended. Here’s help tackling this evasive, confusing area. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I had a BIG wake-up call last week. Now, I’m finally ready to talk about it. It is one of…

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A picture of a witch dummy stuck on a tree bark

How Witches, Halloween, and Stress Can Make You Feel Nutty

By Sylvia Lafair | October 27, 2022 | Comments Off on How Witches, Halloween, and Stress Can Make You Feel Nutty

Summary: The reasons for fear and the decision to either speak out or shut up started long ago. If you ever wonder why so many women are bothered by self-doubt and afraid to speak out, keep reading. Here are some ideas that may surprise you. Men, as well as women, please pay attention. Dear Dr.…

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An illustration of a man resolving a conflict

Ouch: Taking the Sting from Conflict at Work

By Sylvia Lafair | October 20, 2022 | Comments Off on Ouch: Taking the Sting from Conflict at Work

Summary: Workplace conflict is a BIG problem that won’t go away. Most executives and entrepreneurs I coach first worry about $$$$ issues and then quickly think about their employees. Here are thoughts about what may keep you up at night and what to do differently. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I find that whether my company finally…

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