Did you ever wonder why it’s so hard to just get along? Why there’s so much tension and dissension in the world? Why has behavior hit new lows with badmouthing all the way from top leadership in our country to the workplace? It’s everywhere and in all areas of our lives. Just recently sweet, chubby,…
Read MoreI recently received a curious email asking for help. Most of the time I get questions about work and leadership issues. This one is a bit different however it does fit into the patterns I’ve been discussing on the blog here. Dear Dr. Sylvia, You know that last week was Valentine’s Day. Well, you know,…
Read MoreImagine what it’s like to work from dawn till, no not dusk, till the middle of the night. Imagine if you do this while you have a background program in your head saying “Worry, the catastrophe is about to happen.†Even when there’s no big deal issue there are those whose first love is to…
Read MoreSummary: When situations at work are tense, there is a need for some laughter. Timing is a core issue. Here are ways clowns at work (annoying) become humorists (clever). Dear Dr. Sylvia, When numbers are down, I need help getting my team out of a fear-based mentality. Most importantly, This is a tense time. Above…
Read MoreOne of the main behavior patterns that is showing up strong these days is the Drama King/Queen. So many people have emailed me, just this week, asking how to harness the excess noise that comes with drama people at work and home. And the most frustrated are those who see how social media can become…
Read MoreHere is my wish for you, for all of us, as we get ready to release the old and ring in the new. Would you say its been a roller coaster year? It’s hard to process all the political dramas, climate challenges with hurricanes and fires, terrorist attacks, sexual harassment allegations, along with the usual…
Read MoreIf you (or someone you know is) are a rescuer, it’s time for a change. STOP! Relax. Just chill. Don’t do anything. Take care of yourself and forget about helping others. Take a break from saving the world. If these words bring a big sigh coming all the way up from your gut you’re listening…
Read MoreHave you noticed that the more persecutor/bullies lash out the more the victims of their nastiness go to hide under the bedcovers? I don’t often feel like a victim, however, I had an employee who was the bossiest witch always telling everyone in the office what to do, on her terms. One day I hung…
Read MoreSummary: Here’s how the Persecutor (aka bully) stays in charge until someone (as in you) or (as in me) says STOP. Firstly, a true story: Dina told me in our coaching session that she did not think of herself as pretty. A bit overweight and with, as she said, dull, wispy hair, she was always…
Read MoreHere is an email that I just received and want to respond immediately. As in, right now. It’s incredibly perfect for the pattern I want to discuss this week, the procrastinator. First, the email: Dear Sylvia, Thank you for contacting me. I apologize for the delay in getting back to you. I hope this gets…
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