Culture Killers in the Workplace: Unmasking the Culprits

Summary: A healthy workplace culture fosters employee engagement, innovation, and productivity. However, culture killers can be equally potent in dragging an organization down. These toxic elements can erode trust, hinder collaboration, and stifle creativity. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I know there will be missteps and upsets in every work arena. After all, humans are not perfect…

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Understanding the Impact of Stress on Parents

A woman talking on the phone while children in the background create a ruckus

Summary: There are profound effects of stress on parents. Through enlightening stories and insightful quotes, I aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of stress and its consequences, empowering parents to take control of their well-being. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I do not want to look back on my career as a leader at work and as…

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Why Psychological Safety Is Cost-Effective at Work

Another graphic image with a lot happening

Summary: Most twenty-first-century workplaces are rife with negativity, tension, and conflict, with enormous costs ranging from decreased productivity to lawsuits. Here are some ideas on developing psychological safety and making positive cultural changes. Dear Dr. Sylvia, The complaining at work about too little time and too much to do is getting old. I have team…

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The Cost of Stress: How Leaders Can Stay Resilient

A man hopping from one block to another

Summary: As leaders, it is essential to take care of yourselves so that you can take care of your team and your customers. Here are some tips and strategies to help you manage stress and lead your team effectively. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I just read that stress in the workplace is a billion-dollar problem. Not…

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Here’s What to Do About the Stress of Constant Change

Colorful paper planes

Summary:  Change is happening at an escalated pace. The stress of constant change makes it the #1 health concern worldwide. Here’s what you need to know to keep from falling down the rabbit hole of anxiety and depression. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I read that the primary sources of social change include population growth, climate change,…

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