Archive for September 2017
How Leadership Styles Can Help Or Hinder Messy Situations
These days stress can come with a change in the weather. Hurricanes, fires, tornadoes, no place is safe anymore. What was business as usual yesterday could be taking a heroic stance to save a life today. This is a great time to evaluate your leadership style and see what you can do to elevate to…
Read MoreThe Best Leadership Style that Enhances Team Effectiveness (And Some That Don’t)
The main thing that all leaders shudder about is conflict at work. There is a silent hope that conflict will simply resolve itself and teams can get their projects done quickly and easily. Problems seldom simply just disappear… There are four leadership styles that can be used when conflict rears its ugly head. However, there…
Read MoreThe 3 “C’s” of Effective Leaders
What do you look for in your leaders? What are the most compelling attributes that are needed and yearned for in today’s effective leaders? What do you want to see so you can believe in him or her? No longer willing to simply nod and agree? No longer simply be a by-standers without speaking up?…
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