What really matters

Creative Energy Options

This week’s article is a bit different. It’s about how all of us, you and you and you and I, can ignite a new dialogue about what really matters. Now, this is not a preachy, sermon type blog. It’s about rethinking the patterns of behavior that are getting in the way of successful relationships. I…

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Coping with stress and frustrations in the workplace

Creative Energy Options

What do you do when you’ve had enough, and you just can’t look at one more project or help one more person solve an angry dispute at work?  Here’s 4 tips to coping with stress and frustrations in the workplace. Some of us go outside to puff on a cigarette (you betcha there are lots…

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Why You Must Learn to Trust Yourself First

Creative Energy Options

Did you ever have to “out” someone who is scamming you? What do you do when you finally see that there are some real jerks in the world taking advantage of you? When you can finally pull back the curtain, only then can you make the changes that need to be made for progress to…

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