Summary: How do we measure good work in most organizations today? It’s no longer about longevity and loyalty. Nor about being the first in the office and the last out (to show how hard you work). Past are those days to say ‘yes’ to every project, no matter how overwhelmed you become. Let’s drill down to what makes the most significant difference.
Dear Dr. Sylvia,
What should be front and foremost in leadership development programs to stay current?
That’s it! That is my question.
I am awaiting your answer.
We are on the brink of entering a new age past the information/knowledge age.
Dear Curious,
Good question. Now, let’s do a deep dive to find the answer.
Firstly, we have moved from the industrial age through the information age into the knowledge age and are on the brink of entering the wisdom age.
Secondly, we can make giant leaps in short amounts of time.
What, in heaven’s name, is the wisdom age?
For example, wisdom is not simply sitting atop a mountain and meditating. Also, understanding knowledge is not merely spouting out facts and statistics.
Mainly, it’s the ability to prepare.
As an illustration, in today’s world, it’s easy to get the facts and stats to make good decisions. We have more quick routes to information than ever before on our planet.
Thus, along with the rational reasons for making decisions, it’s also vital to understand people’s motivations and emotional reactions to the facts and stats.
Blending emotional intelligence with rational perspectives is the heart and soul of the wisdom age.
Here are the critical elements for leaders and emerging leaders who are ready and willing to take on the challenge of bringing wisdom thinking to work:
- Purpose: Everyone in the organization has a strong vision of what to do for company success. There is a clear path that includes contributing to the community in which they live.
- Openness: Employees feel free to speak up and be heard rather than sit on the sidelines. There is a sense of confidence that they are being treated like adults who can help solve problems in and constructive manner.
- Compensation: There are no hidden agendas that keep employees feeling they are being exploited or ignored. They feel empowered to ask for a just and fair wage. There are sites like salary.com to keep this emotionally laden subject open for healthy communication.
- Excellence: Everyone has opportunities to take online courses, such as GUTSY WOMEN LEAD, to enhance leadership development. And senior leaders commit to their own continued growth.
This push into the future to become wise is not without its challenges.
This requires a new way of thinking about organizational culture and individual accomplishments.
Finally, it’s not enough to have a “tune-up” at work and offer a course on conflict resolution or gender equity and call it a day.
In other words, it’s about a place where everyone is valued and respected. Where people learn the best communication skills and ways to handle the discomfort of conflict without creating a vast “us vs. them” divide.
In short, the world is poised for positive change right now. That is if we take steps in the right direction. We can enhance communication skills; that is a good place to focus.
Let’s grow wise together.
Let’s make it happen.
Here’s to your success,
Sylvia Lafair
PS. Get a complimentary copy of 79 Power Sentences, which offers some good tips for effectively talking with each other.