4 Ways To Fix What Breaks (A Band-aid Is NOT Enough)

Creative Energy Options

Summary: How can you create a winning situation when it looks like you unintentionally set it up to lose. This is about leadership under pressure. And, in these complex times, pressure is all the time. Dear Dr. Sylvia, Well, it finally happened! And it has been awful, horrible, and over the top frustrating. My whole…

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Fatal Flaws: Self-doubt and Imposter Syndrome

Creative Energy Options

Summary: When you start a new job or get a great promotion, it’s common to experience self-doubt. Minds can fill with stress-related thoughts, like “can I, will I, am I capable?” The imposter syndrome often rears its ugly head. It doesn’t have to be that way. Here are tips to stay strong and confident. What…

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What happens when you put yourself first?

Creative Energy Options

Summary: We are in a new era of redefining what matters. For example, it’s time to discuss the meaning of self-awareness and the definition of well-being. Here are ways to be the success you want to be. How important is it to be the best? Competition is fun. Right? That is to say; it pushes…

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