Summary: Stress is a multifaceted and annoying creature. One of the deepest holes to dig out of is self-doubt. Yes, it takes a willingness to look inside yourself for the why and the where that feeling of not being good enough began. Here are some thoughts on taming your own stress monster.
Dear Dr. Sylvia
I can finally admit that my biggest problem is self-doubt.
It is the primary driver of my constant stress.
I recently received a promotion and am now on the senior executive team.
While delighted to be with the power players in my company, I feel like the proverbial swan in the lake —calm and serene, floating on top of the water and peddling like wild underneath.
Please offer any ideas to help me feel more centered and content.
Needs Help
Self-doubt can be Tamed and Transformed
Dear Needs Help,
I get it. I am delighted you want to make long-term positive changes.
How do I know it’s your time to move past your stress and anxiety?
By the simple yet direct way, you asked for help.
I sense you’re bright and focused but also worried and exhausted most of the time because you second-guess your decisions and worry about proving yourself to others.
I hear you. Even though you know deep in your heart what to do, if you are constantly wringing your hands in frustration and worrying about making the perfect decision, your lack of confidence and that fizzy feeling of overwhelm in your gut will be evident to others.
Self-doubt Can Limit All Areas of Life
If you are doubting yourself, this can be a FATAL FLAW in your delivery, and you won’t truly engage your team or loved ones at home. Work and life will generally limp along at a sticky, slow molasses pace.
The new game’s name is to STAND STRONG and brush the self-doubt aside so you can ENGAGE with co-workers and clients quickly and efficiently to get maximum results.
Encourage others by helping them imagine a better tomorrow
Here is how you can help yourself and then help others using the followihg visualization.
First, quiet your mind for a minute and then close your eyes. Next, imagine your life if you could wake up every morning full of vim and vigor. See yourself stoked to do your job as a leader—to guide people to be their best.
Even better, what if there is a simple process you can repeat at times of stress that will help you move from overwhelmed to energized?
And the people who want you to lead them can listen to you, say, “Got it,” and then go on to do their jobs effectively and with enthusiasm.
Positive Change CAN Happen in Minutes
I have a short, simple process that I use every day to stay balanced and alert. It is a bit more detailed than the Imagine visualization. I can solve conflicts faster, get more done with less upset, and work quicker and smarter. It has also made me the go-to person for hundreds of clients and executive teams.
I offer the process as part of my GLIMMER Protocol.
All you need to do is send an email to [email protected], and this method, part of the GLIMMER Protocol, will be yours.
To your success,
Sylvia Lafair
PS. Join our Seven-Day Stress Reducer Challenge and check out the Stress Mastery Facebook group. There are interesting and fun ways to beat the stress monster.