Does It Take Courage to Change? Absolutely!

A colorful lion

Summary: Today, I tell a true story about one man’s quest to find his most profound truth and what it means to be vulnerable at work. Equally important is what this meant to his team. Here is how it started. HR called The SVP of marketing of a flourishing organization for a meeting. There were…

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How Leaders Can Turn Tiny Glimmers into Vast Game Changers

Summary: The ability to spot potential and turn it into groundbreaking success is a rare and invaluable skill. You can become an exceptional leader by learning to identify small opportunities—glimmers—and transform them into significant innovations and impactful changes. Hint: Not all glimmers are happy and yet still matter. Dear Dr. Sylvia, Thank you for an…

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Emotional Flexibility in This Time of Constant Change 

eggs sketched with faces

Summary: The more adept you are in being emotionally flexible, the more adaptable you can be in your leadership role.  Dear Dr. Sylvia,  This one is personal. I had a very difficult situation occur with my stepdaughter and she wants to break all ties with me.  I know from reading your books that you suggest…

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The Courage to Change: Diversity, Inclusion, and Engagement

Some sort of a graphically designed animal

Summary: Diversity and inclusion are now the norms rather than the exceptions. The big question is: “What can be done to heal the chasm of discontent that exists in most workplaces, in fact, around the world, regarding differences? Here are thoughts to ponder. We need a new way to approach diversity and inclusion. “What’s the…

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Gutsy or Bold, Are You Ready to Take a Step Forward?

Three women posing and smiling for the camera

What does it take to make the leap? Whether you’re gutsy or bold, are you ready to take a step forward? I was reflecting on the physical or emotional cost when you take a GUTSY or BOLD step out of the old ‘this is the way it is meant to be’ mentality. I was thinking…

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A Collaborative Journey to Success: How Direct Reports Can Talk Truth to Power and Help Their Boss Be More Effective

Summary: In the workplace, a hierarchical dynamic often characterizes the relationship between direct reports and their leaders. These power differences can create challenges regarding open and honest communication. But speaking truth to power is essential for a transparent and collaborative work environment. This can significantly enhance a leader’s effectiveness. Direct reports hold valuable insights about…

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Why People Resign: Pay Attention To Those Glimmers of Discontent

Summary: Resignations are becoming more common as employees seek environments that align with their values, aspirations, and well-being. Understanding why people resign is crucial for employees and employers, as it can lead to more fulfilling careers and healthier workplaces. Here are the reasons behind resignations and energizing solutions to create better work environments. Dear Dr…

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