
Crafting Compelling Personal Narratives in the Business World

By Sylvia Lafair | April 15, 2024 | Comments Off on Crafting Compelling Personal Narratives in the Business World

Summary: The art of storytelling can be a powerful tool in the business world. When done properly, story fosters connections, inspires action, and conveys complex ideas. Personal narratives, in particular, have the ability to humanize business interactions, making them more relatable and memorable. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I recently told a personal story at a work…

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Nurturing Personal and Organizational Health: A Systems Thinking Approach to Dealing with a “Bully Boss”

By Sylvia Lafair | April 11, 2024 | Comments Off on Nurturing Personal and Organizational Health: A Systems Thinking Approach to Dealing with a “Bully Boss”

Summary: In today’s workplace, the behavior of senior leaders plays a pivotal role in shaping organizational culture and employee well-being. Challenges often arise when dealing with a “bully boss,” whose strong-willed nature can create a toxic environment. Adopting a systems thinking approach, which emphasizes understanding the interconnectedness of various elements within a system, along with…

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Glimmers to Greatness: Cultivating Relationship Connections

By Sylvia Lafair | April 1, 2024 | Comments Off on Glimmers to Greatness: Cultivating Relationship Connections

Summary: Relationships lie at the heart of effective leadership. They are the bedrock upon which trust, collaboration, and influence are built. The ability to forge and nurture meaningful relationships is paramount for leaders seeking to navigate complexity and drive sustainable change. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I report to the second most important person in our organization.…

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Unraveling Glimmers to Greatness: Navigating Systems Theory in Modern Organizations

By Sylvia Lafair | March 26, 2024 | Comments Off on Unraveling Glimmers to Greatness: Navigating Systems Theory in Modern Organizations

Summary: One theory stands out as a guiding light to illuminate the leader’s path: Systems Theory. Let’s explore its definition, fundamental principles, and application in understanding the interconnectedness and interdependence within organizations. Additionally, we’ll spotlight some pioneering companies that have successfully integrated Systems Theory into their frameworks, propelling them toward greatness. Dear Dr. Sylvia, You…

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Navigating Workplace Dilemmas: Unraveling the “He Said/She Said/They Said” Conundrum

By Sylvia Lafair | March 4, 2024 | Comments Off on Navigating Workplace Dilemmas: Unraveling the “He Said/She Said/They Said” Conundrum

Summary: Let’s explore the complexities of the “He Said/She Said/They Said” mismatched stories at work. I want to shed light on potential consequences and offer strategies to address and prevent such scenarios. Dear Dr. Sylvia, We had three excellent employees resign in the past month. They all had the same frustration. There was a promise…

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Diversity Training Dilemmas: Unraveling the Controversies

By Sylvia Lafair | February 27, 2024 | Comments Off on Diversity Training Dilemmas: Unraveling the Controversies

Summary: Diversity training has been a cornerstone of organizational development in recent years, aiming to foster inclusive workplace cultures. However, a growing number of companies are now questioning or even discontinuing their diversity training programs. Here are the reasons behind this trend. Dear Dr. Sylvia, My frustration is about cutting our diversity program for this…

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Navigating Growth: Where are You on the 7 Stages of Business Development?

By Sylvia Lafair | February 19, 2024 | Comments Off on Navigating Growth: Where are You on the 7 Stages of Business Development?

Summary: The journey from startup to mature organization is an exhilarating and challenging adventure. Many startups aspire to evolve into mature entities, but only a select few successfully navigate the complexities of growth. Let’s explore critical stages that can help your company transition smoothly to become a mature organization. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I am the…

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Combating Workplace Challenges: Silence is the Enemy

By Sylvia Lafair | February 12, 2024 | Comments Off on Combating Workplace Challenges: Silence is the Enemy

Summary: Let’s explore why silence is the enemy at work. Did you ever wonder why so many competent individuals ignore that silent elephant in the room rather than speak out to be heard? Here’s the route to heightened workplace satisfaction. Dear Dr. Sylvia, As the head of a very creative and competent team, I thought…

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Celebrating Success: The Empowerment of Women Tooting Their Own Horns

By Sylvia Lafair | February 7, 2024 | Comments Off on Celebrating Success: The Empowerment of Women Tooting Their Own Horns

Summary: The world is increasingly recognizing the achievements of women in various fields. Thus, there is a growing need for women to take charge of their stories and proudly share their successes. Dear All, Today, I am celebrating my achievements as an executive and leadership coach. Once again, I have been named on the Top…

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Navigating the Workplace Maze: The Impact of Employee Misalignment on Organizational Vision

By Sylvia Lafair | January 31, 2024 | Comments Off on Navigating the Workplace Maze: The Impact of Employee Misalignment on Organizational Vision

Summary: Creating a productive and cohesive work environment is crucial for the success of any organization. When employees cannot align around a shared vision, it can lead to various challenges and adverse outcomes. Let’s explore the repercussions of such a situation and potential strategies to address it. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I am thinking of quitting.…

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