Coaching Tips
Did you ever have to “out†someone who is scamming you? What do you do when you finally see that there are some real jerks in the world taking advantage of you? When you can finally pull back the curtain, only then can you make the changes that need to be made for progress to…
Read MoreGenerosity at work has so many possibilities. You know, doing something nice for people makes them appreciate you and it makes you feel good. Everybody wins. You are happier and they are happier. I received an email that sums up the benefits of being generous that I want to pass on to all of you.…
Read MoreIn this post, I’m discussing how to know when you’re stuck or moving ahead as a leader. Ready for a profound shift? Ready for change that will be deep, sustainable, and positive? Ready to put the puzzle pieces of relationships together and be an exemplary leader? Ready to go to sleep at night and not…
Read MoreDid you ever look at someone who seems to have it all and begin to shrink yourself down to the size of a pea, feeling worthless? Do you ever listen to someone who has the answers, I mean the real answers, to health, wealth, and relationships, and feel like a dummy…really less than? Have you…
Read MoreThis is about how to rid yourself of a toxic employee or boss. Did you ever have an employee who scored high on those personality tests that determine if they would make a good fit for your organization? How about sitting in an interview and ‘just knowing’ this is the absolutely, positively, right person for…
Read MoreIt doesn’t seem to stop. I’m writing this after watching a video of young people at a concert in Manchester, England, run for their lives after a bomb explosion stopped the music. I’m writing this after hearing the pain of a dad whose handsome son was knifed to death while waiting with friends near a…
Read MoreFunny story: I was working on getting my negative thinking under control and asked someone to help me. You see, it’s hard to do anything totally alone and I know the power of relationships can make a tremendous difference. I found my power person to help and I found my power word. I asked my dearest, best…
Read MoreLet Dr. Transformation Help You Be Your Best! Dr. Sylvia Lafair, CEO of Creative Energy Options, aka “Dr. Transformation,†wants to help you be your best at work! Dr. Lafair, along with CEOptions’ panel of Certified Pattern Breakthrough coaches and consultants, can help pinpoint exactly what behaviors are getting in your way and what you can do to help accelerate your…
Read MoreBy Frank Walsh | CEOptions Certified Pattern Breakthrough Coach It’s not you, it’s me… Well it’s also you, but with some guidance I have seen how the patterns of my past influenced our relationship. I started to feel it in my mid 40’s. Things were different. I had evolved, you had changed. You didn’t make me happy…
Read MoreHearing and listening are related. Similar yet very different. We hear loud sounds, the wind, someone laughing or yelling. And then what? We just get on with our day. Listening, ah, another story entirely. Were you ever told to “listen up†when you were a kid? Did someone ever say “Hey, will you just shut…
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