Summary: Here is why addictions and change fight each other. Yet, they lead us to think about our shared future. Better yet, read on to see what to do about it. Here is the BIG QUESTION: What is the destination? STOP! Most importantly, do not answer just yet. Covid-19 has caused us to ask. To clarify,…
Read MoreSummary: Change is inevitable. However, how you address change management is the key to success. Not just win, to a positive and creative life. Here are some thoughts to consider. I know that we have all been thrown into change—more change than we’ve ever expected to experience in our lifetimes. Usually, when difficulties hit, they…
Read MoreSummary: The faster the pace of life, the more fear. Here’s what can help. I am getting the same questions over and over with the same request. “Hey, Dr. Sylvia, what advice do you have to move out of the rampant fear these days.†Comments are so similar, from ones about wasting time to ones about poor…
Read MoreSummary: Feedback started with report cards and still leaves most of us with an anxiety knot when we have performance reviews at work. Today we’re going to talk about an area of communication that makes most of us shudder. To clarify. It’s all about feedback. For example, the way you give it has ramifications, and…
Read MoreDo you ever get frustrated with petty conflicts at work? You’re not alone. A whopping 93% of workers report being affected in a negative manner by conflict. The other variable is the length of time consumed by on-going, unresolved conflict. Even worse is the fact that litigation for workplace harassment and hostile work environments has…
Read MoreThis month is dedicated to communication, to telling the truth without spilling your guts, or for some, letting go of the truth festering inside because of the fear of retribution, and getting past the upset. There is a better way… Based on so many calls and emails I have gotten in the past few months,…
Read MoreIn this video, I share how to take your communication skills through the roof (so everyone loves your message) Have you ever spent lots of time making sure your leadership communication skills are clear? That means it’s short and to the point. Right? And when you check what you hear is, “Yes, it’s clear and…
Read MoreIt’s that time for new resolutions. Right? You know, the ones that usually become old in a week and absolutely stale by the end of the month. “Change,†I hear you say, “change is tough.†And it is. EXCEPT There is one new resolution you can make that will reap tons and tons of rewards.…
Read MoreEveryone is telling me this year has more stress and strain than in the past? You agree? “Why,†people are asking, “is life so much more out of balance now?†I must admit, I’m not sure. However, I have a hunch that all the social media stuff is really making us kinda crazy. I was…
Read MoreHi everyone! I hope you’re having a glorious day even though everything seems overwhelmed and rushed, and we can’t move fast enough, and we can’t please everybody but nonetheless we just keep persevering, right? Except, sometimes we feel submissive compliant filled with self-doubt, create self-sabotage. Those days, everybody does it and what happens is, it…
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