Managing Stress
Summary: The pandemic showed us where weak spots cause extreme stress and burnout. Here is what to do to recharge your batteries and have less stress. You and I know everyone has a rough day or two or three. That’s when you tell yourself it’s time to take a break, eat a favorite food, and…
Read MoreSummary: All careers have to deal with stress and impending burnout. It doesn’t have to be that way. Here is what attorneys can do to stay positive and healthy. Have you ever complained about feeling burned out? Or has the word overwhelmed become an integral part of your vocabulary? I am not talking about feeling…
Read MoreSummary: Instead of respecting differences, we create more division. Here are thoughts on how to create “a perfect union”. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I was at a college football game recently and was hopping mad at the behavior of privileged young adults shouting slurs at the opposing team. It seems like the lack of civility is…
Read MoreSummary: The reasons for fear and the decision to either speak out or shut up started long ago. If you ever wonder why so many women are bothered by self-doubt and afraid to speak out, keep reading. Here are some ideas that may surprise you. Men, as well as women, please pay attention. Dear Dr.…
Read MoreSummary: Stress on the job is at an all-time high. There is also good news: stress management programs highlight ways to keep employees and clients happy. Here’s how. Did you know that the beauty industry, including salon professionals, has a high level of job satisfaction? That’s great. It cannot be said for too many businesses…
Read MoreSummary: Where does “help others feel good about themselves” fit into your career? Here’s what science says matters most in stress management programs. Here’s the story that was told to me: Meet exhausted Johnathan. The virus was turbulent, and Jonathan and Suzie, his wife, were at their wit’s end. Their six-month-old son was up-all-night crying.…
Read MoreSummary: Here are ways to identify and change the stress in your life for personal growth and stress mastery. Stress sucks! Especially when it follows you to work. There you will often meet various versions of Debbie or Don Downer. Trust me; they are everywhere. For example, you know the type—the guy or gal who…
Read MoreSummary: Few things seem more different than the worlds of work and home. However, it is a myth that we can separate them. Stress in one area often tumbles into the other. Here are some tips for creating a better balance. Dear Dr. Sylvia, Yesterday I did what I now call “A Tom Brady move.†…
Read MoreSummary: What do you do when anger boils over into your relationships? Do you walk away from angry confrontations with ease and grace? Perhaps you are left with hurt feelings, emotional scars, or physical ills. Here are ways to control anger before it becomes a tsunami. Dear Dr. Sylvia, These days fill with tension and…
Read MoreDear Dr. Sylvia, I hear your Sanity Challenge is lots of fun and very informative. I don’t want to wait day after day. Therefore, can you send me a week worth of exercises I can do when I want? I tend to be a rebel who hates being on anyone’s timeline but my own. I…
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