
Creative Energy Options

Leadership strategies: How to look at your decision making

By Sylvia Lafair | May 8, 2018

You as a leader must think about and understand how to look at your decision making…Leadership today relies on astute decision making. Life moves so fast there’s little room left for mistakes.  How much time have you spent really, I mean really, looking at how you make decisions?Here’s a clue to why so many people, smart…

Creative Energy Options

How to Ease Conflict by Knowing the Difference Between Facts and Emotions

By Sylvia Lafair | May 7, 2018

Facts are married to emotion. As a leader, it’s your job to ask the right questions that lead to what the key issues are. The natural tendency for most people is to deflect the real reasons for hurt and feeling discounted. It’s the emotions that will resolve the conflict, not just the facts. Here’s what happens in…

Creative Energy Options

5 Ways You Can Ask For Help Without Appearing Helpless

By Sylvia Lafair | May 3, 2018

Are you the kind of guy who relies on willpower to get the job done? If you are an entrepreneur, the most likely answer is, “yes.” The big question is, why is it so hard for most males to be vulnerable? What gets in the way of asking for help? And, an even bigger question…

Creative Energy Options

Communication is Complex: Help! BUT They Always Said The Right Thing

By Sylvia Lafair | May 2, 2018

Communication is complex, especially when meeting face to face.  That’s when you need to stay alert and take a deeper look at how they are talking with you.  In this post, I cover 3 ways to step back and really look at what is being said and 3 ways to check your assumptions so you…

Creative Energy Options

How Women Can Change The Way Men Think

By Sylvia Lafair | April 30, 2018

Oprah just had a Wonder Woman-themed party for 28 ten-year old girls. It came with all the glitz and glitter associated with the recent blockbuster film that is causing all the buzz these days. There was a cake, indestructible bracelets, even flip flops to wear when fighting evil. Wonder Woman has been around since 1941,…

Creative Energy Options

4 Ways You Can Check Your Competency

By Sylvia Lafair | April 26, 2018

Did you know that at least 80% of business leaders think they have above-average abilities? Most score themselves higher than their peers or direct reports do on feedback questionnaires. That leads to one of the biggest issues in today’s business climate. The tendency is to focus on strength-based perspectives and put weaknesses on the back…

Creative Energy Options

5 Simple and Effective Communication Techniques to Get Attention

By Sylvia Lafair | April 24, 2018

Communication is an essential skill that all leaders must master.  In this article, I uncover 5 simple and effective communication techniques that can help you as a leader to capture the attention of your team or anyone you come into contact with. What is your preferred way of communicating? Without ever meeting you I can guess…

Creative Energy Options

How to Use The Chemistry of Success to Your Advantage

By Sylvia Lafair | April 23, 2018

When everything seems to be tumbling down at a rate you cant control what do you do? When the demands become so great you feel like even a feather put on top of your tasks will break you, what is your next step? Here’s what happens when the stress hormones take charge. Learn to befriend them…

Creative Energy Options

Leadership Lessons from Top Leaders

By Sylvia Lafair | April 19, 2018

As children, we look at our parents and teachers to understand life. Sometimes the advice we get is really good. Other times, we must do a full turn around and get on another, more positive path. Learning from the best and following in their footsteps, is another vastly productive way of moving from good to…

Creative Energy Options

How to effectively deepen your conversation skills

By Sylvia Lafair | April 17, 2018

Let’s chat here a bit about why as a leader it’s important for you to deepen your conversation skills… When you walk away, hang up the phone, close your email trail, or shut down the texting after a discussion with a colleague take a moment and think about what kind of conversation you just had.…

An illustration and artwork of Einstien taking a class

Einstein’s 3 Rules for Success

By Sylvia Lafair | April 16, 2018

Albert Einstein’s life was about making the complex, simple. He was a master of so many aspects of life, including creativity, the state of the world, and the power of imagination and intuition. He was a true mystic in scientific garb. These three guidelines for work should be on your computer, refrigerator, or night table.…

A picture of a bald man sitting and waiting for his flight

How Successful Leaders can Build Better Self-Awareness

By Sylvia Lafair | April 12, 2018

Summary: In today’s hectic world, taking the time to ask yourself, “Who am I?” and even more so, “Who am I in relationship to those around me?” often gets put on the “do it tomorrow” short list. Become more self-aware to make a difference. Remember, everything you say and do, can affect those around you.…

