Unlock Freedom: Embrace the Hero’s Journey

A man standing on top of a hill with his arms in the air.

Summary: The hero’s journey, a narrative framework popularized by Joseph Campbell, is more than just a storytelling tool. It is a blueprint for personal transformation and freedom. By viewing our lives through the lens of the hero’s journey, we can find purpose, overcome obstacles, and achieve a profound sense of freedom. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I…

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“Don’t Bring It to Work: Breaking the Family Patterns that Limit Success” delves into the intricate relationship between family dynamics and workplace behavior

A person holding paper cut out of family

Summary: It’s eye-opening to explore how unresolved family issues and patterns often resurface in professional settings. This affects relationships, productivity, and overall success. Here, you get ideas on how to handle your stress level better both at work and at home. Dear Dr. Sylvia, My husband is a wonderful leader. He is the Senior VP…

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Fathers, Sons and The Power of Acknowledgement

A man and his son are smiling for the camera.

Summary: This is in honor of Father’s Day. It explores how men help boys grow to be the best they can be. It’s never too late to use the power of acknowledgment. Then, father-son relationships become a solid base for health and well-being. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I have heard you say many times that women…

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Six Questions to Ask in Uncertain Times

A woman standing in front of various arrows and question marks.

Summary: Effective leadership development requires us to read the signs of the times and lead people to a better, more positive place. How do we move from pistols to peace-tools? Key questions are below. Dear Dr. Sylvia, We are living in a world of extremes. That shows up at my organization all the time. Those…

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Fatal Flaws Are Patterns That Keep Us Stuck in Childhood Muck

A series of heads that are all in different colors.

Summary: Childhood is a critical period of development where individuals learn and internalize behaviors, beliefs, and coping mechanisms. These early experiences significantly shape our adult personalities. This includes the fatal flaws that may hinder our success and happiness. A fatal flaw is a character defect that leads to significant challenges or failures in life. Understanding…

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The Dichotomy of Power: How Emotionally Powerless Leaders Seek External Dominance

A man in suit and tie holding onto rope

Summary: Leaders are often seen as paragons of strength and confidence. Yet beneath this façade, many grapple with feelings of powerlessness. This emotional turmoil can significantly impact their leadership style, prompting a compensatory quest for external power. Understanding this dynamic is crucial for fostering healthier leadership and organizational cultures. Dear Dr. Sylvia, One Senior Vice…

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Leadership Training is Vital for All Companies

A group of people sitting at a table.

Summary: Effective leadership training enhances organizational performance. It also fosters innovation, and builds resilience in facing challenges; Here’s an exploration of why leadership training is essential. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I am the head of HR at a company that is growing at warp speed. However, many of those on the newly formed Executive Team and…

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The Pursuit of Happiness: Unraveling the Truth Behind Our Obsession

A group of blue and yellow balloons with faces on them.

Summary: From self-help books to social media influencers, the pursuit of happiness is everywhere. We’re bombarded with messages that suggest happiness is not only achievable but also mandatory for a fulfilling life. But is our obsession with being happy truly warranted? And what is the real truth behind this relentless pursuit? Dear Dr. Sylvia, I…

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Pay Attention to What Makes YOU Happy

A person holding their hands out with the sun shining in them.

Dear Dr. Sylvia, I want to become a “glimmer gatherer.” You seem to be on a roll with fun ideas on how to follow your heart and also be successful. Please let me know what led you to this direction? I am at a crossroad in my career and need some new ideas as I…

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