I’m Not Pattern Blind

Creative Energy Options

Summary: Emotional intelligence and self-awareness are essential aspects of high-level positive communication. Here are some ideas to help you be the best leader you can be. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I’ve heard you talk about “Pattern Blindness” in the same sentence as “Speaking the Unspeakable.” Can you say more, please?  In addition, you also talk about…

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Romancing the Bullies

Creative Energy Options

Summary: How to become more self-aware is vital for workplace productivity. Here is what you can do. Dear Dr. Sylvia,  My boss is driving me crazy. I want to help and be a great colleague. However, what he is doing makes no sense. Could you help me understand?  For example, He ignores those who want…

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A Tsunami of Thoughts

Creative Energy Options

Summary: When you are overwhelmed, here are some ways to go from falling apart to staying strong. Dear Dr. Sylvia, How does it happen? I already know your answer. I’m still going to ask. How does it happen? I know you’re probably saying, “get to the point.” So here goes. For example, I live in…

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