Five Steps to a New You! ALL Year Long.

A man with glasses sitting in front of a wall.

Ready for a New YOU!

Most importantly, don’t ever wait to ring in the new year to start creating a vision for the new you.

Above all, isn’t that what most of us want? In the same vein, we are constantly striving to evolve and change.

Consequently, do you start each year with a boatload of positive promises about yourself?

In other words, it’s time to start creating the new you anytime of the year.

You know…. just do it!!

And it all begins with self-awareness. Did you ever take the time to define self-awareness?

It begins with your ability to observe how you respond to all situations. Then you can do the deeper work to understand how the habitual patterns in your life came to be.

Subsequently, at least a few ideas you have will stick. As a result, you can become a better person, any day, any time.

As a result, how about just one area to focus on at a time.

Above all, choose one. That there will be ONE, that’s all, just ONE area of concentration. Then you can make positive change happen.

I Suggest You Do the Following…

For instance, go back and look at one person who you find annoying. It can be a parent, your boss, a sibling, a co-worker, a neighbor. Come on, I bet you can find that someone who makes your insides curdle.

This is a good self-awareness example.

Step 1: 

Firstly, sit quietly and observe what it is about them that makes you want to scream? Why do you want to tell them to “zip it? †Or, perhaps you need to find a way to get as far from them as possible.

Step 2: 

Secondly, put your hand on your gut (read my INC article about your second brain). Now, sit quietly and let yourself go back to an earlier time in your life. Wait till you sense that same feeling of discontent or anguish or concern and see what shows up.

Step 3:

Thirdly, put the puzzle pieces together. Realize that what is bothering you in your present relationship can have roots in the past. These may well be residual feelings from an earlier time in your life.

Step 4: 

Further, begin the transformative journey to rethink the relationship with Mr. or Ms. Annoying. Yes, you can see the present person differently. Don’t give up.

Step 5: 

In addition, be courageous and have a real, heartfelt conversation before the month is over. No, you don’t have to tell them what a jerk he or she is (make that was). Just that you would like a more positive and healthy relationship as the year moves forward.

To sum up, do this once a month for 12 months. If you don’t have at least a dozen people who drive you nuts, congrats

For the rest of us, I guarantee, better, more meaningful relationships by the end of the year.

In short, Do you want to do a deeper dive into great relationships? Read my book, “Don’t Bring It To Work.†In addition, Eugene Gendlin’s book “Focusing†is excellent for more information. They both show the way OUT of habitual, ingrained behavior patterns. The new you will be shining and even better, you’ll have more fun.

Here’s to your success,


PS. In the same vein, you can get great ideas about how to relate with less stress in STRESS BUSTERS. This is a four-module program to help you become a stress master and go from chaos to calm.

Creative Energy Options

Sylvia Lafair

Creative Energy Options

