Search results for: micromanagement
Why People Resign: Pay Attention To Those Glimmers of Discontent
Summary: Resignations are becoming more common as employees seek environments that align with their values, aspirations, and well-being. Understanding why people resign is crucial for employees and employers, as it can lead to more fulfilling careers and healthier workplaces. Here are the reasons behind resignations and energizing solutions to create better work environments. Dear Dr…
Read MoreHow to Create a Winning Situation with the “Petty Tyrant” at Work
Summary: Navigating the workplace can be challenging, especially when you have a “petty tyrant” as a colleague or manager. These individuals can make your professional life difficult with micromanagement, criticism, and unreasonable demands. However, there are strategies to turn this challenging situation into a winning one. Here’s how you can effectively manage and thrive despite…
Read MoreFatal Flaws Are Patterns That Keep Us Stuck in Childhood Muck
Summary: Childhood is a critical period of development where individuals learn and internalize behaviors, beliefs, and coping mechanisms. These early experiences significantly shape our adult personalities. This includes the fatal flaws that may hinder our success and happiness. A fatal flaw is a character defect that leads to significant challenges or failures in life. Understanding…
Read MoreThe Dichotomy of Power: How Emotionally Powerless Leaders Seek External Dominance
Summary: Leaders are often seen as paragons of strength and confidence. Yet beneath this façade, many grapple with feelings of powerlessness. This emotional turmoil can significantly impact their leadership style, prompting a compensatory quest for external power. Understanding this dynamic is crucial for fostering healthier leadership and organizational cultures. Dear Dr. Sylvia, One Senior Vice…
Read MoreCulture Killers in the Workplace: Unmasking the Culprits
Summary: A healthy workplace culture fosters employee engagement, innovation, and productivity. However, culture killers can be equally potent in dragging an organization down. These toxic elements can erode trust, hinder collaboration, and stifle creativity. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I know there will be missteps and upsets in every work arena. After all, humans are not perfect…
Read MoreCoping with stress and frustrations in the workplace
What do you do when you’ve had enough, and you just can’t look at one more project or help one more person solve an angry dispute at work? Here’s 4 tips to coping with stress and frustrations in the workplace. Some of us go outside to puff on a cigarette (you betcha there are lots…
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