Dear Dr. Sylvia, My question: Are we leaving the men behind? First, let me explain. I must hire a new marketing manager for my company. To clarify, here is why I am writing to you. Firstly, my company has been top-heavy with strong, competent men. Secondly, we wanted to create a more equal opportunity organization.…
Read MoreKnowing how to transform doesn’t always come easy. Here is my advice, borrowed from some of our crustaceous friends in the sea… Dear Dr. Sylvia, My life is so confining. Therefore, I want to explore the world. However, till now it’s obviously not been the right time. As a result, I feel like I have…
Read More#leadership #conflict resolution # team development Dear Dr. Sylvia, Above all, you can congratulate me. You’ll learn why I deserve a standing ovation in a minute. On the other hand, you can hand me a box of tissues and let me bring on the tears. Never mind, I don’t cry much. However, mostly I desire…
Read MoreDear All, During times of complexity and confusion, there are always stories of growth and transformation. They are great lessons to take into your life. As a result, this is the focus of today’s post. Leadership skills during tough times In other words, it’s about how to be the best leader you can be during…
Read MoreSummary: How do you stand for what you believe is right and be heard? Speaking truth to power takes courage and determination. Here are some thoughts to consider when you make your own decision. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I built a remarkable career over the past 15 years. I was considered a high potential emerging leader,…
Read MoreSummary: Did you ever wonder why you want to yell out something that can be embarrassing? It stems from your subconscious. Here is what happens when you think, “What made me think/say THAT!” Dear Dr. Sylvia, I had an awful thing happen to me when I was talking with my boss last week. He was…
Read MoreSummary: When teams divide into “for” and “against” camps, work suffers. Here is a suggestion to have team collaboration and more productivity. Without collaboration there is limited creativity and lower productivity. Dear Dr. Sylvia, The past months have been like living in an extra awful, super-hot hell. I know I shouldn’t complain because my staff…
Read MoreSummary: Do you want to be able to see what you can’t see? There are ways to make the invisible visible. Keep reading. What can you do to make positive changes when you cannot see what is wrong? That is to say, can you use a magnifying glass or an x-ray machine to help? Above…
Read MoreSummary: Diversity and inclusion are now the norms rather than the exceptions. The big question is: “What can be done to heal the chasm of discontent that exists in most workplaces, in fact, around the world, regarding differences? Here are thoughts to ponder. We need a new way to approach diversity and inclusion. “What’s the…
Read MoreSummary: Change is inevitable. However, how you address change management is the key to success. Not just win, to a positive and creative life. Here are some thoughts to consider. I know that we have all been thrown into change—more change than we’ve ever expected to experience in our lifetimes. Usually, when difficulties hit, they…
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