Summary: The faster the pace of life, the more fear. Here’s what can help.
I am getting the same questions over and over with the same request. “Hey, Dr. Sylvia, what advice do you have to move out of the rampant fear these days.â€
Comments are so similar, from ones about wasting time to ones about poor sleep or gorging on junk food or drinking too much. Others are about arguing over anything, no matter how trivial, to emotional distancing in relationships.
It’s time to look fear in the eye and decide what to do next.
After some deep dives into my pattern of facing fear over the years, here is my response.Â
To all who read this: fear is like a family member who lingers too long, sucks your energy, and can only live (kind of like a virus) with you as the host.
- Fear makes us freeze at the sound of a sneeze
- We hoard toilet paper just in case.
- Most of us stay glued to our phones to know what is happening.
- A desire creeks up, so we binge on food, drink, and Netflix.
- Fear makes us discount anyone who disagrees with us.
- There is a sense of being alone, even when others are within reach.
- Often we feel guilty about not caring enough when others are worse off.
- Fear makes us judge, blame, and attack to feel strong.
You can add to this list from your own experiences.
Release fear by interrupting the ingrained pattern from the past.
Here is what happens when you finally tell fear to take a hike. When you can say, “Enough, get out; you are no longer welcome here. You are boring because your stories are all the same.â€
When you can do a pattern interrupt, yes stop a pattern in its tracks, life is freer and more creative.
What happens next?
- You start to move.
- Your body begins to shape up by taking walks, doing yoga, or jogging.
- Then you move your mind by reading books that have been gathering dust.
- Emotions open up by reaching out to family, friends, and neighbors.
- Finally, your desire to always be right by checking for facts becomes less contentious.
- There is ease moving away from the refrigerator, knowing you’re not that hungry.
- Times of silence are welcomed in your life just because it feels good.
- Now you can show compassion to those held down by limiting beliefs.
- Creativity that was dormant inside you finds new ways to use your skills.
- Remember to ask for help when you forget to move.
And here is what happens then:
- You step out of the box.
- Then you step into possibilities we never thought existed.
- Eventually, you can live, love, care, dance, and sing in ways that never seemed possible.
And what happens then?
You grow. And you stay confident in your growth. Finally, you help others to succeed.
And, after the fear loses its power and all the efforts to move to take hold, what happens then?
We finally can make a difference in ways that amaze and satisfy.
Keep going and keep growing.
Here’s to your success,
PS. Please enjoy a copy of the introduction of my book “Invisible Stress (It’s NOT What YOU Think)” for more ideas about fear and stress.