Summary: When stress hits the hot button, there is often a downward spiral. What you say to yourself causes stress to spike even more. Here’s what to do to prevent a meltdown.
Every career has its struggles. We all know that!
However, when the negative outweighs the positive, it becomes a trap.
What kind of trap?
Subsequently, one that leads to self-doubt and, if not handled, to overwhelm and eventually burnout.
At the head of the leaderboard are financial planners.
Next are attorneys
In third place are physicians.
I know, I know, if you are an educator, a salon owner, an accountant, a therapist, or a first responder, etc., you can argue you belong way at the top of the list.
Thus, pay attention so you won’t become a winner in discontent.
Anxiety and stress management programs for leaders are needed now more than ever.
Here are the leading indicators of extreme stress and, more importantly, some tips on what to do to feel better, work better and be better.
Those in professions to help others like the ones above attract individuals who have high expectations for themselves.
In the same vein, research indicates that those at the top of their classes in high school are often encouraged to enter prestigious careers where competition is intense.
This top-level behavior often morphs into becoming a super-achiever.
When stress meets super achievers, it is often noisy and frustrating.
Super-achievers tend to shout out their frustration; at least, that is the preferred way of responding. Learn more here.
Critical external pressures have to do with winning and losing.
All in all, think of it this way.
As a financial planner, there are bull markets and bear markets. While knowing where to invest someone else’s money is vital, there is always a risk of loss. Sadly, past performance is never a guarantee of future returns. Therefore, all investments cause tension and anxiety.
Lawyers can always count on being a winner or a loser. The pressure of competition is exceptionally high and can create physical and emotional symptoms of distress.
Physicians must balance what is humanly possible to help someone who is hurting. High expectations, while always in the best interest of patients, are often impossible to achieve.
Did you know most physicians feel like a failure when a patient dies? This is undoubtedly an unrealistic burden that those in health care carry daily. It is because they are in a highly competitive profession that measures success primarily by positive external data.
Internal judgment outweighs external pressure, and that leads to adverse outcomes.
Furthermore, the internal concerns of those who suffer extreme stress in all these professions include the desire to do a great job and make their clients/patients happy and successful. They also expect excellent financial remuneration to provide for themselves and one’s families.
Another internal concern is that it is unethical to talk about your clients and their issues to others. As the SEC recognizes, due to the fiduciary relationship between an investment advisor and a client, investment advisors generally do not disclose client information with other parties.
Lawyers must abide by the attorney-client privilege. Physicians must comply with HIPAA laws or be ready for a lawsuit.
All high-level vocations attract strong-willed and talented individuals who love to compete.
Most importantly, they are often known as “fixers” and are depended upon to correct a wrong, fix a problem, or make someone happy.
Whether you are in one of these top three professions for extreme stress, all careers must consider how to resolve situations that can lead to chronic stress and illness.
Get a handle on your well-being.
Invest in yourself.
Too often, those in powerful positions refuse to reach out for help.
This is an unprecedented time when mental health is becoming a top priority.
Please remember that unless you change your behavior, data doesn’t matter,
The best way OUT of ingrained, outdated behavior is to observe what patterns show up to make you reach for the drink, the pill, or whatever numbs your mind for a brief time.
Next, Understand where the behavior began. Yes, deep dive into your childhood to see what messages you received about handling conflict and disappointment. It doesn’t take years to discover. It takes intention.
Finally, it’s the time to Transform what no longer works for you. This means communicating with family, friends, and colleagues to find better ways of relating and responding.
Think of it this way. It’s an investment that pays dividends.
Invest in yourself. Yes, stress management programs for leaders offer dividends.
Firstly, answer these questions: what do you need to survive at a core level? Yes, to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs for food, shelter, and safety.
Next, what makes you happy? Revisit your relationships and reevaluate. How do you communicate? Where do you speak out, and when do you stay silent? How Is that working for you?
In conclusion, reboot your life and have the life you love.
Here’s to your success,
Sylvia Lafair
PS. Invest time watching my complimentary class on stress mastery and get some great tips on pattern transformation.