
Creative Energy Options

How Diversity, Inclusion, and Engagement Move Productivity to a Higher Level

By Sylvia Lafair | June 5, 2020 | Comments Off on How Diversity, Inclusion, and Engagement Move Productivity to a Higher Level

Summary: You can teach prejudice. You can grow and learn too. Here is the story of one woman who helped children become critical thinkers. They developed self-awareness for more fulfilling lives. Firstly, if you do not know who Jane Elliott is, please google her. Then take the time to watch the documentary. Yes, one person…

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Creative Energy Options

Change: What really matters as we begin to create the new normal?

By Sylvia Lafair | May 13, 2020 | Comments Off on Change: What really matters as we begin to create the new normal?

Summary: Change is inevitable. However, how you address change management is the key to success. Not just win, to a positive and creative life. Here are some thoughts to consider. I know that we have all been thrown into change—more change than we’ve ever expected to experience in our lifetimes.  Usually, when difficulties hit, they…

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Creative Energy Options

How to Move Out of Fear

By Sylvia Lafair | April 7, 2020 | Comments Off on How to Move Out of Fear

Summary: The faster the pace of life, the more fear. Here’s what can help. I am getting the same questions over and over with the same request. “Hey, Dr. Sylvia, what advice do you have to move out of the rampant fear these days.”   Comments are so similar, from ones about wasting time to ones about poor…

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Creative Energy Options

What Is Your AQ?

By Sylvia Lafair | December 30, 2019 | Comments Off on What Is Your AQ?

Hi! Sylvia Lafair here from Bangkok, Thailand. And what I’d like to do is welcome all of us to this new decade, the 2020s! And the big question for us now is going to be, how does your AQ, not your IQ, not your EQ. Your AQ, which is your adaptability quotient. And being here…

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A picture of a person wearing socks and sitting by the fireplace

Is it Really the Season of Joy and Fun?

By Sylvia Lafair | December 4, 2019 | Comments Off on Is it Really the Season of Joy and Fun?

It’s officially the season of joy and fun…Or is it? We are programmed to be happy, merry, and filled with love and appreciation.  So, why are there so many who have inherited a black cloud filled with rain or snow that clings no matter what? If so, you are not alone.  Make you feel better? It’s good…

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Creative Energy Options

Time for a Change?

By Sylvia Lafair | November 13, 2019 | Comments Off on Time for a Change?

Time for a change? Not quite ready?  Does life feel confining?  Spinning your wheels?  That’s what I’m hearing from so many clients these days. Complaints range from climate change to politics, to getting ready for the holidays. Everyone seems just a bit more on edge than only a few months ago when the longer days of summer…

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Creative Energy Options

5 Steps to Get Yourself Out of Overwhelm

By Sylvia Lafair | October 15, 2019 | Comments Off on 5 Steps to Get Yourself Out of Overwhelm

Use these 5 steps to get yourself out of overwhelm… In this broadcast I cover: What you, as a leader, can do to get more energy, confidence, focus, and ease by making some simple changes. I share the specific, time tested tips on how to move past frustration and anger when demands on you seem…

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Creative Energy Options

The Gratitude Intervention Challenge

By Sylvia Lafair | September 18, 2019 | Comments Off on The Gratitude Intervention Challenge

When was the last time you practiced gratitude? This post is all about the power of gratitude and my invitation to join me on a gratitude intervention challenge. “Yesterday was a soggy day, with non- stop rain and draining humidity” began an email I received with the subject title of “What a happy day.”  It…

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Creative Energy Options

Giving thanks can transform your life

By Sylvia Lafair | August 20, 2019 | Comments Off on Giving thanks can transform your life

Giving thanks can transform your life, so let me start by expressing some gratitude and share some bits of wisdom that can help you feel more gratitude and appreciation for all that you have in this post. First, let me say “Thank You”  to all of you who are part of my newsletter network.  Secondly,…

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Creative Energy Options

My Radical Sabbatical Update

By Sylvia Lafair | July 17, 2019 | Comments Off on My Radical Sabbatical Update

Several months ago, I took a ‘radical sabbatical’ to recalibrate and decide on the next steps for my career. I must admit, that one month now seems like several years ago. Why? Because I wanted to do something new and different and I wasn’t sure what that was. I found myself floundering and I couldn’t…

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