Summary: I did a survey asking the following question: What are your usual coping mechanisms? Here are new ways to cope with today’s stress. Dear Dr. Sylvia, Is the world moving faster? Perhaps it’s just me? Nah, I understand that we have more technology to give us information at warp speed. Thus, we know more…
Read MoreSummary: Are you looking for stress relief? Is your stress higher at work or at home? Here is how to cope with stress and help those around you benefit. Dear Dr. Sylvia, Even though I don’t know Will Smith, I keep getting a whack on the side of my head! At least, it’s only figuratively. …
Read MoreSummary: If you have ever felt overwhelmed and frustrated, you’ll relate to what my coaching client said. When you feel overwhelmed mistakes will happen. Dear Dr. Sylvia, “I had a fender bender on the way to work because I was late and rushing; I tripped going on the up escalator. (Who the heck ever stumbles…
Read MoreSummary: Red roses, dark chocolate, or a shiny new car are great gifts for the special day to celebrate love. However, if you give stress the day off, you give the best gift, you being fully present. That’s the best present of all. Even on the best of days, stress can prevent you from being…
Read MoreSummary: What do you do when plans are derailed and there is no light at the end of the tunnel? Here’s what to do with feeling overwhelmed. Did you ever want to lash out at someone and instead yell at your ever-faithful dog? Or, make nasty comments to your indoor plants for demanding attention. as…
Read MoreSummary: Why is telling the truth so darn hard? Why is it even worse to speak truth to power? It’s about the words and especially about the timing. Here are some ways to make truth-telling more effective. So much information, so much confusion. Who do you believe? Which media outlets are pushing out fake news…
Read MoreSummary: Stress is at an all-time high. Here are ways to think about this as a friend rather than an enemy and “practice safe stress.” Learn ways to manage stress right here. How stressed are you? On a scale of 1-10 with ten at “I can’t take much more” to 1 at, “Huh, what is there to…
Read MoreSummary: What do you keep telling yourself when you have no more bandwidth to do one more thing? Overwhelmed is how most business people feel these days. Here are some ideas to help you find a way to be reinvigorated. Dear Dr. Sylvia, Everything right now seems to make my staff (including me) tense and…
Read MoreSummary: Do celebrations and holidays often leave you feeling overwhelmed. Here are ways to stay calm, enjoy all the festivities, and avoid being branded a Debbie/Donny Downer. Dear Dr. Sylvia, I get overwhelmed so easily. For example, every time I think of getting ready for a family birthday, anniversary, or the upcoming holidays, you know,…
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