I get overwhelmed so easily! What Would RBG Say?

Creative Energy Options

Summary: Tackle this common dilemma “I get overwhelmed so easily.” Here’s how to handle your emotions more effectively. Dear Dr. Sylvia,Each day I think to myself, “I can’t take any more surprises. I can’t take any more whining. I can’t take anymore bungled messes.” And then something else happens. For example, I went into a…

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Fatal Flaws: Self-doubt and Imposter Syndrome

Creative Energy Options

Summary: When you start a new job or get a great promotion, it’s common to experience self-doubt. Minds can fill with stress-related thoughts, like “can I, will I, am I capable?” The imposter syndrome often rears its ugly head. It doesn’t have to be that way. Here are tips to stay strong and confident. What…

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